DID YOU KNOW? (sex edition)

A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (because of the release of endorphines), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.(damn)

According to psychologists, the shoe and the foot are the most common sources of sexual fetishism in Western society.(why???)

According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately 100 million acts of sexual intercourse each day. (i thought there'd be more...)

Back in 1919 the Russian transplant pioneer Serge Voronoff made headlines by grafting monkey testicles onto human males.(damn those russians)

Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions.(more fun than being injured by toilets or vending machines)

Humans and Dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

In the U.S., there is, on average, three sex change operations per day.(once again, i thought there'd be more)

More than half the American men surveyed in a recent poll admit to having sex with women they disliked.(men... ugh)

Sex burns 360 calories per hour.(yeah baby, who wants to exercise with me?)

According to Dr. David Gems, a British geneticist, sex-craved male mice, who spend 5 to 11 hours per day pursuing female mice, could live years longer if they abstained.(abstained... yea but whats the fun in that???)

Apart from humans, certain species of chimpanzee are the only animals to experiment sexually. They have been known to 'wife swap' and indulge in group sex.

During it's lifetime an oyster changes its sex from male to female and back several times.(who wants to be an oyster?)

In the past 60 years, the groundhog has only predicted the weather correctly 28% of the time. The rushing back and forth from burrows is believed to indicate sexual activity, not shadow seeking.

Male bees will try to attract sex partners with orchid fragrance.

The bonobo monkeys use sex (and/or sexual favors) to placate members of their social group instead of grooming. They are one of the few species of animals (humans being another) that have sex out of season and for fun.

When young, black sea basses are mostly female, but at the age of 5 years many switch sexes to male.(being an oyster is cooler)

A barnacle has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size.(whats a barnacle?)

Iguanas, koalas and Komodo dragons all have two penises. (is that in case one gets bitten/kicked off?)

A whale's penis is called a dork.(eek i sometimes call myself a dork)

Pigs have thirty-minute orgasms.

Smoking makes it almost impossible for a male to have a natural erection and it shrinks the penis. It also reduces the mobility of sperm. (this is what should be put on all cigarrete boxes )

The only three US presidents who ever had to deal with real or impending impeachment -- Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton -- all have names that are euphemisms for penis -- johnson, dick and willie.