May 26 - Bah, graduation was today. I don't deal well with change and with end of the year things. I remember last year I had this weird feeling in my tummy too. Gotta say though that the best part of today was seeing a genuine smile, a grin on John's face, something I haven't seen in a while and I miss. Well, congrats to John, Jeckin, Amit, Andrew, James, Kevin, Nick, Rob, Lisa, Manny, Aaron, and whoever else that reads this once in a while =) I leave you with a fucked up picture and a link to the Summer journal. Haha, came across this again. I soooo want a cockolada! Don't ask why, I'm a pervert. But I want one. THE TWISTABLE TURNABLE MAN I love Shel Silverstein. I think I have a book of his at home. All his books are great. I think I need to get me them. I think they should be sold at Salvation Army for a buck or something. Yea.
Girls piss me off. Or maybe ones who go on true life shows on MTV do. But it's so stupid that the girl gets to pick out ALL the wedding gifts and they're all like, china and vases and pots and shit. Poor guys. Make bad sex. It's silly. This whole week has been great. Laying out on the grass, playing volleyball, swimming, jogging, cranium, John's early birthday, taboo... yayness all over Home was nice. Dinner at my grandma's. I don't like how all our big family dinners end up with conversations about WWII. But I guess it makes sense. Just feels weird how they casually mention having to evacuate and leave their lives behind, and how their grandfathers died of starvation and how they sucked on like, tar, just to have something in their mouths when they were kids. Interesting how my grandmother-in-law (is that what they're called?) came up to me and said "wow you've turned out to be a lovely young lady" and my aunt was like, "uhhh she's ALWAYS been a lovely young lady." But this is the grandmother-in-law that always used to comment about how I'm not a skinny girl during family dinners. She's not a very nice person. Life is great. Today consisted of laying out on the grass in the sun, playing some volleyball, and jogging. I can almost jog over 2 miles. Except I have to stop because I suck. But yea. Today is awesome. Check this out: Cow Punch - new comic. Sick and disturbing and funny. I love it. Go look at it, NOW. And Hee. My toes are so friggin' cute. And my hair's soft =) So on Gilmore Girls Rory got tired of having a casual non-relationship with Logan, so she went to him and said she didn't want to do it anymore, that it wasn't for her, and that they should be friends instead. And Logan decided to commit to Rory. Just like that. Because he didn't want to lose her. Now I've thought of doing the same thing so many times, but I don't think that's how it would go with me. Because I'm not Rory. And there were times I thought I'm stupid for settling, but now I'm glad I didn't end things, I like things the way they are, and I don't feel like I'm settling. No clue what will happen next, but either way it's been good. And I think I have to stop comparing my life to Gilmore Girls. That, and the last 20 minutes of the episode got cut off, so who knows, they might have broken up, cuz obviously a guy comitting when he originally didn't want to is a bad idea. Exit105 is pretty good. It was just weird cuz the main guy (and the rest of them, really) looks like a Staten Island yuppie kid, the only thing he was missing was the gold chain and the stupid striped button down shirt. Well, he also looked like Andrew, but not in the yuppie way, just his face. Anyway, so the singer is all yuppie looking and moving around in a very yuppie white boy dancing kinda way (the kind where the guy can dance, but you can tell he's white), but at the same time singing rock. It just didn't look right. He should've been a skinny kid (he was built) who did like, punky jumping/head nodding things instead of dancing around. There was one point where he grabbed the mic and did that and it looked hot, but then he went back to moving his hips or something. I don't know. It's hard to explain if it's stuff you've never noticed. But it just looked weird. But the band was pretty good. I dunno, I just think it's so hot when guys do the whole punk/rock thing. Anything but the gelled hair/button down shirt/gold chain/muscle tattoos thing. OMG. I just thought of something horrible. Absolutely terrible. What will I do if I ever get sick of seltzer?!? For over three years, over 90% of what I drank has been seltzer. And I don't like anything with flavor. And water is too plain for me to be able to drink liters of it per day. Ack! I want to: That was stolen from James. As is this: "Susan, I saw you in the classroom today. As the sun came from behind the clouds, a burst of brilliant light caught your hair, it was haloed in front of me. You turned, your eyes flashed fire into my soul, I immediately read the words of Dostoyevsky and Karl Marx, and in the words of Albert Schweitzer, 'I fancy you.' "
I also want to look at the stars while laying in the back of a pickup truck drinking Wawa iced tea. =)) John makes the best 1am eggs! And I'm determined to learn how to play hackey sack by the end of the semester. At least a little. Yay. I <3 chocolate milk. Wow I didn't realize how much I miss Rich. Need to talk to the kid more. He needs to be online more. Hey Rich, I didn't know you read this. <3 Upset for two reasons: "And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time..." yay for Michelle Branch lyrics. And I have peanuts. Yay. I like peanuts. YAY Ted made me pretty dessert with whipped cream and strawberries and bananas and apples and chocolate sprinkles at Pierce today. That's because I look nice today. Yea. OK I shush now. Oh, if you liked the crimson room puzzle, try this one: The Doors. I solved it, if you need help and are losing sleep because of it. Well, I solved it with James's and Mel's help, as usual, but still. Yea. OK, NOW I shush. For real this time. HAHA, according to OKcupid, I'm 14% submissive. But I'm sure as hell not 86% dominant! So that's weird. And I'm only 65% sex crazed. But that's because some of the questions were bad like, "would you sleep with someone the first night you meet them?" Of course not, but that doesn't mean I'm not sex crazed. Haha, I just got a great idea. I'll create an "are you my type" quiz for you guys to take. Went to the Museum of Sex today. Eh. I've spent too much time on the internet to find anything in there to be worth going to a museum for. And John was right, I could have been a tour guide for them because everything that was in there I either knew, or knew of something related to that topic. So yea. Too much time online for me. Grr, did they turn the heat off in Tech? I'm sitting here in long sleeves and sweatshirts and a closed window and it's FREEEEZING. So that sucks. So the roommate thing is getting more and more interesting. I am no longer a warden, but a "cunt piece of shit" according to her latest away message. And I don't know if the IM from me to Ian while I was in Ian's room was from her, but there was no one else in the room to type "askdjfadjflkasjdf" and then close the IM. And when I came into the room to put a password on my computer she stormed out of here the second I said "who could've done it?" So that's really messed up that I'm not allowed to mute her music by pressing two buttons on he comp because I want to go to sleep and she's in the shower, but she IMed my friend and closed the IM box after I answered from Ian's comp. So yea. Definitely watching my stuff from now on. And Julie's make up! What the hell, why mess with that?!? I'm really friggin' cold. I want a liger!!! I also want to never have class again and be able to play outside for the rest of the semester. Whoa, I spent 6.5 hours at the bowling alley today. But it was fun. I love it there. Wow, whoever thought I'd be asked to go to Iota night. I feel special. =) This and Spring Gala were the only two things I've ever been asked to go to as a date thing. And Diegel's thing. But we ended up not going to that. So yay I feel special. Hahaha we've soo been overusing the promiscuous joke. But it's still great. Thanks mentee #1! I LOVE the My Chemical Romance - Helena video. Watch it if you haven't seen it. I think that link works. I love the dancing, and overall it just looks great with the black red and white colors. And the dresses are awesome. UGH. So I'm watching Newlyweds (don't ask), and Nick and Jessica are deciding on a spending limit for their V-day presents... and Nick is like, "if you go over $20, your punishment is sex every day for six months." So Jessica is like, "OK, I'll make sure not to go over." !!!!! WTF!!! I want to be punished by him! Or anyone! Or like, wtf! How is that a punishment at all?!? I hate girls. If it was me, I'd make sure whatever I got my boyfriend was like, $20.01. Just because I'm awesome. And because I want sex. *cries* Hahahaha yay the old little man still does the Six Flags commercials. And whoaaaaa the new rollercoaster looks so fucking awesome. I can't wait to go!!!!
Greeting card ideas - I like the last one especially.
Holy crap, Ruthie grew up on 7th Heaven. And she's being asked out on dates. I want to be asked out on dates!! Lots of them. Haha, and she has to ask her parents for permission to go on her first date and everyone is freaking out about her starting to date. Aw. Ruthie said she'll pay for the pizza and the guy can pay for the movies... and the guy was like, "no I've been saving my allowance to pay for this date." So sweet. HAHAHA and now the brother and dad found out that Ruthie and the boy kissed before their first date and they're freaking out. And they're telling her that since it's their first date they shouldn't even be thinking about kissing yet. HAHAHA. 7th Heaven is great. Hmm, I want kisses. GIMME!! @103! Hehehe I love Julie and our antsy dance. *hops up and down* Sassy44a: katerzz we should drop out of school so we won't be too busy to talk to each other
Hmm, ya know how they say that nice guys finish last? Well I think that applies to me also. Except that I'm a girl. Duh. HOLY SHIT I REALLY AM HAVING THE BEST DAY EVER!! Bowled a 203 tonight!!!!! So that's one of my goals fulfilled. The others might be.. harder to um.. do. I'm so fucking awesome. And Dre's massages rock. And he told me I look cute today. I do! Because I'm all happy. Oh oh and I LOOOOVE Shayna. She was in the bowling alley today and we talked for over an hour and she's awesome and my face was hurting from smiling and laughing because of her. Aw. I think I need to get back into playing the piano. At least a little. I think I can stick to it if no one makes me (such as weekly lessons and HAVING to practice every day). Whee. It definitely takes your mind off of things. And I bit John today. *chomp*
Well I say what the blooood fire a gwan in hea.... Me never kno say it was a jail cell me living in....
What the rawted klot... cha ..... She naw wan me fe get vex in hea.. cha bumbo
The warden can kiss my black ass or go the FUCK HOME!!!!
Its Ok though cause when the warden sleeps there will be a mutiny" So yea. That was amusing. And now she's at work and her away message is: "At work.... with my luck the warden will probably show up turn off the T.V. close all the windows, and draw all the blinds." Yep. I am teh warden. So anyway... I come back from coffeehouse today and AGAIN there's a note on the door next to the "Kate is.." that says "an angel." Whoa! Same time this week again. Who is it?!? Well whoever it is, know that that makes my day. And that you should consider taping chocolate to the door sometime. Hehe just kidding. Eeeeeeee! Running time with John and Andrew? Ack, I'm gonna die. @98! Been listening to Martchbook Romance - Your Stories, My Alibis ALL day long. Such an awesome song. It was probably great live. Wow, can't get enough of it. It's like I got the roommate disease. No, not lesbianism, but the repetitive song playing. And I also like Shadows Like Statues a lot. Hmm. Some chocolate would be nice. NOT FAIR! I wanna make kisses too... *sad pouty face* eeeeee! Most annoying flash video EVER! Haha it's so great. So I got the facebook e-mail, and I'm sure you have to. Yea, I don't think I'm doing that. I looked through the Stevens people on there, and (1) it's all the same people and it's getting old (how many accounts on these things do you really need to prove that you have friends?) and (2) there's just wayyyy too many people. I already procrastinate enough. Haha, so I'm cleaning my room and here's a list of stuff I have that's not mine: Oh man oh man, Jimmy is the best! He sent me 867-5309 AND "You're So Vain." I've been asking everyone for these songs. Whee! And he's in the process of sending me the "mail, motherfucker!" thing from Eurotrip. He rocks. Whoa, so last couple of weeks I've gotten lazy and started letting my hair air dry instead of blowdrying it... and EVERYONE's been saying my hair's nice. James even said he woulda done me on friday because my hair looked good. Hee. It's so shiny today! Hee hee. I love my hair. And Ted said that's his favorite part about me. Hee. I love my hair. I should cut it though. Yea? I think I figured out what I don't like about Stevens. People stop talking to you out of nowhere. Or maybe it just happens to me. Mike stopped talking to me last year. But I'm over that. Then Martin. Also over that but still kinda confused about why that happened. Lubin stopped talking to me last semester for a while and even now he's still retarded. Then Steve and JP who used to say hi to me they just avoid eye contact. Then Dan, who now curses under his breath when he sees me instead of giving me a hug. Oh man Dre is amazing. The second he started massaging me I went from 4 open frames in a row to 4 strikes in a row. So of course I dedicated the turkey to him. And ended up bowling a 167 and 172. I rock. And of course Dre never fails with the compliments: "you're hot enough for me to do you. even sober." Thanks, Dre. YAY for people like John who wanna play in the snow! And yay for fields in which I can walk my name into the snow. Brr wet feet. But twas fun. Giving John piggy back rides. Hee hee. I'm stupid. I don't want to graduate in December. I'm so not ready for all that. I wouldn't have been ready if I graduated normally. I've always been less mature and independent than most people my age. I should've been here for 5 years. But then again I don't want to stay here longer and pretend that I have friends. But I'm just so scared of growing up and everything. And honestly, as stupid as it sounds I don't want to have to work. I don't see how people can possibly like their jobs. This summer, even when we were actually doing something and it was exciting I still counted the minutes till I could go home, and dreaded the thought of having to wake up the next day to come back to work. The only thing I've ever really wanted to be was a teacher, but I can't do that because I can't explain things and I have no patience, and I'd have panic attacks just at the thought of standing in front of a class. And did I really go here to become a teacher? I told my mom all this and at first she was like, 'that's silly, of course everything thinks they don't want to work,' but then I think that she got that I really DON'T WANT TO WORK. I've never been interesting in ANYTHING, never been motivated to do anything. I'm also not smarter than most people as I always liked to think, and I don't learn things. I get my A's, but I don't actually retain any information, so an incoming freshman who has ever been curious about anything knows more than me. How the hell am I ever going to find a decent job? So I'm just really scared of what's gonna happen in the next year. But then again people tell me that I just worry/think too much. Went ice skating today! I could almost do the sideways stopping thing and I could totally do the turning backwards to the right thing and I can kinda sorta do the turning backwards to the left thing. Too bad they close the rink tomorrow. Hey, someone should take me ice skating to a real rink. Home. I <3 my mommy. She liked both bags. Yay. I'm kinda optimistic about the whole *thing*. We'll see. Made two duct tape bags. They're awesome. Duh. Pictures coming soon. REALLY!! So you wanna know what chem-bio majors talk about? Which element they would date and why. And what kind of personality each element would have based on its properties. God we're losers. So I was in the lab today and the asian guy (what the hell is his name??) was talking to me about one of our classes and as I was talking and trying to explain something to him, he was like, "you're so cute." WTF! He's like, an old asian man. Not old. But like, 30. Ew? But I am cute. =)) Biophysical test made me think for the first time this semester. I don't know if I like that. I need to stop talking to people who make me feel like shit after I'm done talking to them. WHOO! Lots of condoms. Except now I'm gonna cry. But they expire in 2009, I think I'm bound to get lucky by then right? Oh god please say yes. Err. So there's mint, banana, strawberry, and orange flavors, and the regular kind. So if any of you ARE getting laid, I gots condoms. Is today army pants day? Or dress like Kate but don't let her know day? So I was watching Gilmore Girls and Luke and Lorelai's breakup reminded me of me and Ted. Well no, the part afterwards did. Except Lorelai is a whole lot stronger than me. But then again maybe by the time I'm 34 or whatever I'll be like that also. Oh well. Yay happy weather today! And now for a (not so) little Valentine's day rant. I'm not one of those girls who hates Valentine's day. I'm just annoyed at it for 3 reasons: Roses are red... violets are blue... Hee hee. Click on that. Oh oh ooh! SALAD FINGERS 5 is out!!! So check it out. I <3 OMG! We figured it out! Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If not, then it's gotta be some kind of mental disorder. Cuz that's just not normal.
It's so insane
I'm not like all the other girls
You're taking me over
Let's pretend, happy end So you remember the song Semi Charmed Life by 3eb? Well it came on on the radio at work, and I still remember ALL of the lyrics. Even the part that's not on the radio usually (And when the plane came in she said she was crashing..) I'm friggin amazing. I @96! I think I've finally learned something and I now know better than to say anything or bring anything up because I know it won't do anything. Go me! Hey I think I should stop forgetting to put on a bra when I go to class and work. Bouncy bouncy! OMGOMGOMG Someone accidentally put on Z100 for a second at work today and I checked what song was playing - Rob Thomas - Lonely No More. I'm listening to the song over and over and over, it's orgasmic. I hate how it sounds like a Justin Timberlake song, and not like an MB20 song, but oh man I love it. I love Rob Thomas. Half hour later I'm still like, super excited. He's got a solo album coming out April 26. Must breathe. If anyone has a version of the song that doesn't have "AOL MUSIC - First Listen" every 20 seconds, please send to me. I don't get how K-rock refuses to play MB20 but plays Jack Johnson. But anyway. Yes, breathe. Gonna go do that. This song soooo made my day. Mmm, white castle is delicious. Hee hee Julie's married to me but looking for a mistress. With a penis. Err. NAPA!!! "If you're tired then take a napa, don't move to Napa!" NAPA!!! No one might be taking care of me, but I'm wearing Ted's pants and they're warm and happy and hugging my legs! I don't think he knows I have his pants. Hee hee. Hmm, ___ finally talked to me about the whole friday night thing. I'm glad that he did, but the whole talk kinda hurt me. I liked him, and he says he liked me too, but we just had different views about what should be done about that. Kinda like all of my relationships were in high school - hey lets go further - you wouldn't be pushing me if you actually liked me and you'd be OK with just kissing - but I want to make you feel good because I like you. And so on. Eh. It's alright. I just don't like explaining my view on things and being told that it's bullshit. But I did appreciate the fact that he decided to IM me and discuss all of this. I LOVE Chopping Block. Sick and twisted. And oh so amusing. Go through all of them. It's worth it. Ok, bowling alley isn't my happy place anymore. At all. 2 strikes. Fuckers. Got a bid from O Pi! I would so pledge, except I'm lazy, and I don't want to have to dress up for stuff and go to things and yea. Oh well. I'm annoyed. I hate when people refuse to do simple things you ask them to do, just because they know it'll annoy you. I guess it's because they're guys and they don't care. But still. UGGGHHHhhhhhhhhh. There. Rob has GOT to stop touching me in class. In lab it was OK because no one cared, but giggling in class is just bad. =) Make me something. And make me this. Diamonds and flowers are stupid. I'd much rather get something cool like that. Or make a flower out of a rusty pipe or something and make it light up, if you really like giving girls flowers. Here's a challenge: Clicky here. The instructions are: Let me know how long it takes you! Mouse. Running down the wall. On the side of the room with the beds. Not good. So we decided to make a mousetrap. Out of what? Duct tape of course! We made a sheet of duct tape and put it sticky side up on the floor, and put leftover chinese food pork in the middle cuz we had no CHEESE. It didn't work. It did catch me though! Twice. Gr. I wanna play in the snow!!!! But Julie's all like, it's cold! So we're inside. All day. Going crazy. Whee. There's headbutting and foots in pants but no snow in pants! Errr.... I like that tingly feeling when you put your hair up in a loose ponytail after a whole day of having it down. =) Yea, shitty day. But there's good news! Sheila's on campus this semester so we can both split the abuse of the guys instead of just one of us being attacked at a time. And I played DDR. And Andrew#3 got me a happy christmas thingy! And @89! But feel shitty overall. Mostly cuz of that *thing* Don't worry about it =)
May 25 - Angel was beautiful. But even he shouldn't wear shiny red rights. Made his package look too big. Yea, that CAN be a problem. It looked silly. But that's OK. He was great. Today's kinda blah. I need to find a gynecologist or else I'm gonna have lots of babies! AHH! Well not really. But still. *burp* Whee!
May 23 - Yay for more free shows. Went to see this yesterday at the Joyce Theater in the city. The picture isn't that impressive, but the show was. Probably one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Imagine people floating around the stage and like, dancing in mid-air. And what I really liked about this dance show as opposed to others is that usually when you watch people dance you see all their muscles strained, and you see everything they do, but here all you saw was beautiful shapes floating around, and you didn't have to think about how far they were stretching or what, you got to just sit there and relax and enjoy the beauty of it. Although this show did make you wonder how the hell they actually floated, but it was amazing. So yea. What else... I might have my mirror back in 2 days... Went to her with a cop and she of course told him that she has the mirror, then offered to give me $5 for it and I'm like, uhh no I want a mirror. And what pissed me off was that she wouldn't make eye contact. Ugh. I hate people who don't make eye contact if they're discussing something, especially if they did something wrong. That annoys me. So yea. Cops are awesome. They're like, 'lets go over there and bitchslap her! yea!' And I'm like, 'um, I was just gonna ask for my mirror back, but alright.' What else... GONNA GO SEE ANGEL CORELLA TOMORROW!!! In Don Quixote. How how is that! I've seen him several times and he's amazing. He's got amazing stage presence and energy, anytime he's on stage everything just lights up and comes to live. I love him. He's only 30. We should get married. And have babies. Mmm hmm.
May 19 - Yay for free shows. Group Therapy = awesome band. My eye itches. And I finally figured out what could go wrong. But... if things last long enough me and Julie came up with a way around the September 18th curse! Yay! <3 Julie. My eye itches. Maybe I'm allergic to her? Maybe I should stop sticking dirty penii in my eye? Nah, I don't do that, I'm not Alanna. Oh man. The city has THE coolest fucking playgrounds ever! We didn't have those here when we were growing up! Gah! They move and twist and bend and stuff. Looks like something that would be on a spaceship. If anyone ever wants to walk around Chelsea Piers and go there, just ask me.
He's the Twistable Turnable
Squeezable Pullable
Stretchable Foldable Man.
He can crawl in your pocket
or fit your locket
Or screw himself into a twenty-volt socket,
Or stretch himself up to the steeple or taller,
Or squeeze himself into a thimble or smaller,
Yes he can, course he can,
He's the Twistable Turnable
Squeezable Pullable
Stretchable Shrinkable Man.
And he lives a passable life
With his Squeezable Lovable
Kissable Hugable
Pullable Tugable Wife.
And they have two twistable kids
Who bend up the way that they did.
And they turn and they stretch
Just as much as they can
For this Bendable Foldable
Easily moldable
Buy-what you're-soldable
Washable Mendable
Highly Dependable Buyable Saleable
Always available
Bounceable Shakeable
Almost unbreakable
Twistable Turnable Man.
- Shel Silverstein
May 18 - Ahh, central park was nice. Perfect weather for skating around and laying around on a rock like a lizard. We have the most amazing coffeemaker at home. The coffee is like, orgasmic. Wow. Speaking of orgasmic, last night was great. Hee hee.
May 17 - Kudzu helps prevent binge drinking. That's so great. It makes you feel drunk even though you drank less. That's exactly what I need. I don't like drinking a lot, but I like feeling drunk. Silly scientists. I'm working at jacobus now. It's cold here. Brr.
May 16 - Today was the first day since school ended that semi-sucked. But it was still pretty good. My roommate moved out. And she took my full length mirror. And when I IMed her asking her about it she said she took the mirror as a "fee for putting up with me and my annoying friend." Yea. So I have the conversation saved and I'm going to reslife tomorrow. Doubt they'll do anything although I really think they should because theft isn't right and she shouldn't get away with that, and I shouldn't have to put up with that if they put her with me. Other than that things are good. My room echoes because it's empty. I like the emptiness because she's not here but overall I feel weird on an empty campus. But I always get all weird at the end of the semester. Ooh ooh, I went to Ian's today and helped him with putting his room together and I got to spackle(?) and do all kinds of manly things. Hee hee. *burp*
Friday the 13th - =)))
May 9 - HOLY SHIT. I got 100 on the bio paper. Hehehe. I rock. I guess it's because I wrote the same paper for that and medicinal chem, so it was way beyond anything that was required. I rock.
Rutgers Dating Game
Stevens Dating Game
Hehe Jimmy rocks.
May 6 - Yesterday was 05/05/05. Hehe. Yesterday was also the day I took two finals on 2 hours of sleep because my roommate is a psycho bitch. Who refuses to put on headphones when the roommate wants to go to sleep at 1am?? And why bother talking about me in spanish the rest of the night to her friend on the phone? Stupid. And last night I also didn't get to sleep much cuz Miss psycho was having squeaky bed sex at 5:30 am. And wouldn't keep it down when I asked her to. And her disgusting ugly guy didn't know how to whisper afterwards, or be quiet during it. Gross. But I guess she's not a lesbian. So I guess I figured out what blank fortunes in fortune cookies mean: "You will be woken up by your roommate having sex with a gross guy... in bed." Ugh. The world hates me. I don't know what I did to deserve having her as a roommate.
Hehehehe. The rest of the somesuch comics aren't as great. But look at them if you're bored.
May 2 - Why geeks and nerds are worth it...
May 1 - I don't know what's going on with me. I have weird tiny bruises on the upper insides of both my arms, and my shins have been really really itchy lately. GAH. *scratches* And I have this tiny dry patch of skin on the top of my foot. Ted says it's not foot cancer though. So that's good. Geez, I got a lot of comments about the sex in a tent thing. Oh, went to see Movin' Out today. Twas OK. I'm glad I saw it, but I expected better. Not that it wasn't good. It just didn't leave me with that super excited feeling I usually get after Broadway.
April 30 - Whee nails. And whee MCR. And according to OKcupid I'm 48% slut. But that's less than half. So that's good. *burp* I don't like rainy days. And I want to go camping. And swimming in a lake. And I still want sex in a tent.
April 28 - Sick feeling in my tummy. So much work and I don't know how to do any of it. It's not that I don't have time, I just don't know how to do my final, lab report, and I can't find any info for the two term papers. So I sit here trying to do work and time goes by and I have nothing done. So I'm really annoyed. I hope this weekend doesn't suck. But right now I don't have such a good feeling about it. Meh. Kinda want to go drink now, but probably shouldn't because I know me drinking when I'm not happy to begin with ends up with crying.
April 27 - I guess I should update although I have nothing to write. Nothing new. Well, some stuff on my mind, but I'm not writing about that. Nothing new has been happening. Been running and swimming and playing tennis. Been really busy and really tired. Oh ooh! My mailbox number is 1756 and I like receiving random notes. *hint hint* And I keep them. So if I get one you know it won't be thrown out. Hee hee. The end.
April 23 - I think I'm addicted to flip flops. 8 pairs of flip flops. And then 2 more pairs of flip-floppy type shoes. Yea. At least I'm not addicted to $500 shoes, right? ... Past week was rough. All busy and stuff, yet I still have so much left to do. Last night was cool. Got to carry my RA back to his room and put him to bed drunk. Twas cute. I <3 Jesus Christ Superstar music. If you've never listened to it, you really should. It's amazing. All of it. Ask me to send you the soundtrack. I <3 my boobies. Hehe.
April 20 - Whoa long day. I was watching Gilmore Girls and I started thinking... why do guys never get to do the whole crying on the floor thing doubled over in pain going "why doesn't he like me? I thought he did.." Well, she, in most guys cases. Not fair. Supposedly it's society and how you're raised. So when I have a daughter, how do I raise her so she doesn't have feelings?
April 19 - Life is good when the weather's nice and you can study outside and there's free ice cream and mechanical bulls and karaoke and skirts and jogging and swimming and bowling and stuff. =)
April 17 - I <3 skirts. And I'm unconfused. So that's good. I hate bio. It makes me want to cry.
1) Play a game of scrabble
2) Sit down on a park bench and make fun of people
3) Read bad poetry until we find meaning in it
4) Eat grilled cheese sandwiches under the stars
5) Sit on the bleachers to watch the sun come up--until we realize the sun rises in the east and feel stupid.
But no. At 13, you're just going, " 'ello, Sue. I've got legs. Do you like bread? I've got a French loaf. ( voice cracks ) Bye! ( voice deepens ) I love you!"
April 16 - Can I BE anymore confused?!? Something inside me doesn't feel right. Could be the Yoohoo. Could be the whole confusion thing. Who knows.
April 15 - YAY I finally went swimming. Swimming is nice. I suck. But I enjoyed it. Ow leg cramp though. And it peeled off my nailpolish. And my hair's super frizzy now. But it made my skin glow! In a good way, not in a freaky alien way. Maybe I should wash my face in chlorine water every day? Because my skin was AWESOME when I came out of the pool. I looked really frickin cute. And apparently I'm not a horror to look at in a bathing suit? I dunno. I'm obnoxiously pink today. pinkflipflopsunderwearshirtscrunchee. And pink and gray plaid pants. YAY pink. But yea, if anyone wants to go swimming, I have the schedule. So ask me. I'll go. =))
April 14 - @106! YAY I got a rose from Ted. Kinda. Last time anyone gave me a rose was Nick when he asked me to go to the spring gala with him freshman year. Oh wait no, Dave gave me a rose and chocolate when he went over to my house 2 summers ago. Sigh. I like random flowers.
April 13 - I love today. Skipped class. Got a CPA room for next year. Went to the ECE Picnic. Jousting and human bowling yay. Went to work. Signed up for assassins. Went to Alpha Sig picnic. Alpha Sig guys are fuckin' awesome. Yummy burgers and backrubs while you wait and while you eat. That backrub was really good. More like amazing. Yea. And everyone introduced themselves to me and I was even offered a ride to class. Yay. I should go to their bbq tomorrow night. Because they're awesome.
April 12 - Fuck them. They're not my friends, it's all bullshit. I want to learn how to knit and crochet. SOMEONE TEACH ME!!
April 11 - I'm 20.2533333 years old today. That's OLD. Gross. But it's been a good 0.250.33333 years so I guess I'm enjoying my life as a 20 year old. I also suck at fractions. I don't know. I like DDR. I have too much energy right now. hr>1.5 hours of DDR and then jogging? Yea, I'm never like this. Don't know what got into me. @105! It's weird, now whenever I meet someone new, I get so excited. I guess because after being here for 3 years you don't meet many new people.
April 10 - Oh man, Taboo is the best game EVER! Put me and Julie on the same team and we're unstoppable! "Go screw a .... porcupine!" Yea, we rock. Andrew makes the WORST ninja EVER. But bananas with tuxes are cute though. Super nice weather today. Was laying outside reading for two hours today. The best feeling ever. It was like the sun was hugging me. Hmph, I think my secret admirer forgot about me =( I haven't gotten any notes on my door for the last 3 weekends. And at first Julie told me it's because there was no coffeehouse/I didn't go to coffeehouse, but today I went to coffeehouse and I had no note. Hmph. And chocolate covered strawberries are delicious.
1. There is no Spring Gala this year. Freshman year I went and it was a LOT of fun. I didn't go last year, so I really really wanted to go this year. And they're not having one. And this is my last spring semester here. So that fucking sucks.
2. There isn't one good literature class I can take. I already took two. The others are stuff I'm not interested in. And I don't like any other hums. I like reading. So yea. Booo...
April 9 - Last night definitely did NOT suck. I LOVE it at Chi Phi. The guys are so fucking awesome. Lots of hugs and fun and card playing and stuff. Yay. So I don't know how I feel about the whole facebook thing. Everyone friggin' adds you as a friend, even people you barely know. But like, you're not gonna not add them, because you DO know them and say hi to them once in a while. So it's kinda dumb, kinda like a race to see who can add everyone at Stevens faster. But I dunno, I guess it is a good way of procrastinating. I also don't like Garbage's new song. Like how it sounds, but "why do you love me, you're driving me crazy" might as well be a Britney Spears song. So that annoys me.
April 8 - Yesterday sucked. Last night sucked. Well, for the most part ;)
April 6 - WOW it's so nice out. I've been reading outside today and yesterday. And YAY I wore a skirt today. A long one, but I still look nice. Everyone told me so. Yay. Tomorrow it's short skirt day. Well not that short, the black skirt. I'll save the others for when it's even warmer out. Yay. I love skirts. And I love these shoes. Except I think my left foot has like, three blisters. But hey, that's what it's like being a girl. I think I got my thoughts about this (not my shoes) all figured out. It's funny, I say that like, every month, and that's because I DO have my thoughts all figured out, but not like that does anything. But I guess it's better at least knowing how I feel about it, instead of not knowing anything at all. Yea. And I'm surprisingly OK. So that's good.
April 4 - The Phantom of the Opera movie was amazing. It was a little too drawn out, but it was still great. If it was possible to have mental/spiritual/emotional orgasms, then this movie definitely did that to me. I had chills in my body the whole time the music was playing. I thought the acting was great. I don't know if it's harder to act while singing (or opening your mouth as if you're singing), but I liked her acting. And it was all just so wow. If the phantom was slightly less psychotic, I think she should've picked him. Because Raul seemed kinda dumb. All he ever said was "I love you, I love you." But the phantom was all passionate and the sex between them would have been amazing, you could see that just from the look on her face when he barely touched her. So yea. I don't know. I like sex. And I like the Phantom of the Opera. And I'm listening to the soundtrack now. Yea.
April 3 - Whoa, well that was definitely unexpected =)
April 2 - Awesome night last night. Fast Eddie were really good. The main guy was so friggin awesome, he was all over the place doing everything. It was great. Then Chi Phi party. That was good too. I didn't realize how many people I knew there, I guess because I haven't actually been to any parties lately. But it was awesome there. Some guy liked my mesh shirt, so he kept following me around trying to take pictures. And then when I was doing my usual "no no no no no" thing he came up to me and said "don't worry, you're a very pretty girl" and kissed me on the cheek. Yay. It was so cute. And surprisingly not creepy. I like kisses on the cheek. My left cheek got a lot of kisses last night. Mostly from James. Speaking of which, I'm sorry I bit you and stepped on you. The stepping was a complete drunken accident, and the biting.. well, I kinda miscalculated how hard my jaw should shut, also because of the drunkenness. So I'm really sorry. But yea, I got kisses from that kid and James and John and Andrew and Julie and Roger and whee my left cheek feels loved. I dunno, something about kisses on the cheek and forehead is just so cute and sweet and innocent. I love it. And I danced. DAMN YOU JIMMY! Oh well, now you're stuck wearing a skirt. But yea, dancing's OK I guess if you're drunk and don't know what's going on. Lots of pictures taken last night. Which is kinda scary. But none of the dancing, so yay. Oh oh ooh! And Sylvester was there! So that was happy. And a couple of other people who graduated. So that was nice. So yea, I'm happy. Yay. And if you go to sleep after you sober up then you get no hangover! @104!
March 30 - Booo, everyone who I wanted to win lost. Guys are always a disappointment =)~
March 29 - So the weird asian man at lab today goes "have you gained weight?" And I'm like, uhh, I don't know. Because I didn't want to be like, "no I actually lost weight" because if he starts arguing with me I'd just feel even worse about myself. So I shrugged. And he says that I look like I've gained weight. So I shrugged and turned around. I don't know how you're supposed to react to that. According to Ted the guy is suicidal but his religion prevents him from killing himself so he was asking me to kill him by saying that. Anyway. A half hour later he's like, "maybe it's your eating habits. Have you been eating more?" NO fucker, I haven't. Fuck you. So that was weird. But like, I have lost a little bit of weight (not on purpose, it just happened). I don't know, I don't think of myself as fat (even though I probably should) because now I weigh only 5 pounds more than when I entered Stevens and back then I know for a fact I wasn't fat. So like, not fat + 5 pounds = I'm OK with myself. But I think I'll go lose those 5 pounds. Yea, I think I will. Yea. JIMMY! TEACH ME YOUR 8 MINUTE ABS! I WANNA BE SEXIFIED ALSO!
March 28 - Wow what a shitty day. But I got to use Cranberries in my away message: "Hanging around, nothing to do but frown, rainy days and mondays get me down." But yea, that's a lot of rain. Ever since I read that chocolate article I've been eating more chocolate. Can't say that I feel more loved. So I should stop before I get fat and then no one will ever love me. Yea. Haha, I have potential?? Where does he get that from? I sleep in class! Why did he come up to ME out of all people? I'm sure others messed up on the test also. So that's kinda weird. Ugh I really want to drop that class.
March 27 - WOW my grandma loves me. We had dinner at my grandma's place and everything she cooked was especially for me. I feel so loved. I was all giddy. Because now I have food. I miss spring break. It was awesome. Even the five days at home were nice because I had piano and guitar. Wow, my roommate doesn't even say hi to my mom. After the last three incidents with her I finally believe what everyone's been saying - she's a bitch. Before I just didn't like her, and we didn't get along but I never really thought she was a bad person or anything. Now I finally agree with everyone. Oh well. 2 months left.
March 26 - Had an AWESOME time at the Poconos. Yay for black diamond trails! Skiing on weekdays is awesome because you get your own personal trail to race on. And overall it was so much fun because everyone who went is awesome, even though they attacked me with ice twice and with a ski pole and said that the only thing I was good for was to be kicked out of bed just so they would have something warm for step on in the morning. Tee hee. Pictures coming soon.
March 23 - Weird day. Keep dropping everything (on my feet, too.. ow!), bumping into everything, somehow sat on my hand a couple of times (shush), and just feel weird. It's weird. I'm weird. Can't wait till tomorrow.
March 22 - So Mikhail Baryshnikov (the Russian ballerina... is ballerina even the right word for a guy?) is the Russian guy on Sex and the City. Which is kinda cool. Because I knew of him as a dancer, just never realized that he acted. GOD I love Gilmore Girls. I love how they talk. Finger didn't hurt today. So I made it hurt. Yay guitar.
March 21 - My hair smells like coooookies! =) Oh man, my brother wears Old Spice (the yummy one) so I stole it from him and I've been smelling it all day. Soooooo good. He thinks I'm insane. My brother got the coolest comforter today. I'm jealous. Dragons and ninja stars and things. I want to be a boy. Been playing piano all day again. Yay. *burp* So according to Ted the only way for my brain to not over think things is if I learn how to burp on command, or if I start doing lots of drugs. And I've never been able to burp. Sooo... LLAMA!
March 20 - Fingers hurt so much from guitar yesterday that they sting when I touch warm water. So I played piano allllll day instead. Yay. Then my grandma came over for dinner. And somehow we got to talking about living in communist Russia. Interesting stuff. Hee hee I love my mommy. Earlier today we were listening to Japanese music doing the bunny hop in the living room in our towels. She's the awesomest. John's right, google is the 6th sense. OK I stop typing because fingers hurt.
March 19 - Had a really good night last night. I'm really gonna miss John and Andrew when they graduate. Home. Made my brother teach me everything he knows about guitar. Fingers hurt. But I like it. I can't reach any of the chords!! Ahh! But I think I can seriously sit here all day and just play guitar and piano. Or attempt to. Whatever. It's so calming. I noticed that whenever I was playing anything and my mom started talking to me I didn't even notice that she was talking. Yea. Anyway. So people ARE right, I lost weight this semester. Yay. Ya know the llama song on newgrounds? Well I think I've pretty much memorized it all... hee hee hee... Played two games of scrabble with my mom and my brother today. I totally pwned them. I rock.
I miss Alanna =)
March 18 - Tsunami reveals a town's ancient ruins - That's so amazing. At least I think so. That's pretty exciting. Oh! I thought of a new word today while taking my instrumental midterm: sexcited. Like, excited in a sexual way, duh. Hee hee. I don't know what I think of these things while I take midterms. I need to get laid.
March 17 - I'm having the best day ever! It feels like everything is going my way:
- I missed lab this morning, went to TA and asked what happens now and he was like, "oh don't worry about it I almost slept through it myself today.. just come in in two weeks and make it up."
- Asked how I did on the Inorganic midterm - 87 (wtf how?? I totally guessed on everything, and drew random dots and x's for the Lewis structures), and then he might adjust it (make it higher) depending on how everyone else did. So I can go to hockey game tomorrow night!
- Handed in my Technogenesis proposal. Dave Peacock remembered me and we made some small talk and he said I was the first one to hand it in, and I said I wanted to get it out of the way and I told him I've been working on the same project all year and how much I'm enjoying it (ha!). So I'm pretty confident I'll get it, especially since Liang would do all that's in his power for me to work for him. So that's awesome
- Liang really wants me to go to the April 8th symposium/conference thingy and said he'll reimburse train fare and everything. Don't know if I necessarly want to go and present stuff in front of people, but it's nice that he thinks that whatever research I did is good enough for that, and that he really wants me to work for him.
- Random guys keep smiling at me and nodding hello. Hee hee.
- Oh oh! I saw Lee Camp walking on Wash. St. and I was actually not afraid to say hi to him and I think he remembers that I e-mailed him because he was all like, "how've you been" and stuff. So yea, that made me happy.@101! @102!!
March 15 - Whoa, angelfire tells me I had 73 page views yesterday. Watch this video. It's fuckin' amazing. So hot. Maybe ninjas ARE cooler than pirates?
Pi Day - Whee! Pi Day! So Badminton is the worst sport EVER. Oh oh ooh! @100! So now James can know what it is. The numbers were the number of people I know who checked my site. That's it. Told ya it's nothing exciting. So now I owe Dave (RA) a cookie. And take home tests that are impossible to do suck.
March 13 - Interesting weekend. I loved the Sons of Pitches thing. The Off and On song is great. Yay for Jimmy! Saturday was good. I love Salvation Army because 3 CD's, 3 books, and some bobblehead thing costs $8. And the taproot CD is new. So yay. Then we saw Vodka Lemon which was just weird. And we also go attacked by custard! Well, I got attacked by custard. What the hell is custard anyway?? Who cares, I like Thai food. Deliciousness. Anyway. Last night I come back to my room and , my roommate is watching stuff on her laptop. So I'm thinking, OK I'll let her watch stuff while I talk to people online. So she finishes watching her thing and I get into bed to go to sleep, and she puts something else on to watch. So I try falling asleep with my hands on my ears, but I can still clearly hear what's going on from her laptop. So I ask her to turn it down, or if she'd like headphones so I can go to sleep. She says no. Because then she'd have to sit closer to her laptop. I'm like, but I need to go to sleep. And she's like, it's a Saturday night (she's been watching movies alone in her room the whole saturday night, so she can't really use it's a Saturday night as an excuse for being up). So I'm like, it's 4am! I don't understand how someone can just not turn down their laptop or put in headphones when asked. That's just way beyond me. So yea. So after I call Julie and complain to her she finally turns her stuff off and goes to sleep. Her away message: "The warden says lights out so I must go to sleep..." And then this morning her away message was: "The warden says:
No direct sunlight
No fresh air
No lights before noon
No lights after noon
No Loud Music
No Loud Movies (even on the weekends)
No Rap
No reggae
No reggaeton
No R&B
No black music period (they sound alike don't they)
No cleanliness
No privacy
No space
March 11 - Gah, what a shitty day. But at least my hair smells like apples! And @99! But no, I'm not too happy today. I hate being a girl and thinking too much. My nails have been all messed up for the last couple of months and I don't like it. And I don't know why they're like that because I only mess with them when I'm upset and I've been pretty fucking happy the last couple of months. Just today I'm all bleh. One of those days where you feel like you have no friends and everything is going wrong and you can't handle your classes and stuff. It happens. I'll be OK. "My Eyes Burn" came on at Pierce while I was eating lunch (all alone because people are assholes) and it made me happy. Yay. I hate that I'm so weak. I know exactly what I should say to the boy (well not should but I (mostly) know how I feel for once and I actually know what I want for once) and I know I can't say it because I'd rather have this than nothing. But yea, everything will be OK =) Haha, I just put on My Eyes Burn and it's like, instant smile. Eeee.
March 10 - I bowled a 198 today! Because I'm friggin awesome! But not awesome enough for a 200. *sad face* This weekend should be good. And as Alanna would say, I'm full of thorns. Arrrrghh.
March 9 - Interesting... it would be interesting to measure the levels of phenylethylamine (a chemical that mimics the brain chemistry of a person in love) in me throughout the last few years to see how it varies from guy to guy and from getting together with a guy and being dumped... and how long it takes for the levels of phenylethylamine to change in me... I've never been in love or anything but my brain's definitely released happy chemicals because of boys. So yea... Oh, and the reason chocolate doesn't give you the same effect as being in love because it gets metabolized quickly and it doesn't reach the brain in significant amounts. So yea. But chocolate's a mood lifter anyway. =)
March 8 - Eeeeee happiness all over. But how the hell does it go from 60 degrees and ice cream and skating weather to this?!? Brrr! I want warm skirt weather. Oh how I miss skirts.
March 6 - Whoa! The most amazing weekend! The Exies, Theory of a Deadman, and Breaking Benjamin Concert on friday... I LOOOVE The Exies, go download their songs on the website... And go listen to the No Suprise song on the Theory of a Deadman site, and ask me to send Breaking Benjamin to you. Cuz all three bands are good. So yay for that. Then saturday was skiing after 3 hours of sleep. Skiing is so friggin awesome. The feeling of going downhill at however many miles per hour not knowing whether you'll be able to stop is so awesome. I love it. And the weather was perfect. And I was happy that Andrew could do it, not only because I wanted him to have a good time, but also because I didn't want to have to be teaching him the whole day (haha I'm selfish, shush). Then last night sushi, chocolate, and movie made it an absolutely perfect day. *wink* Whee. Then today I come back from coffeehouse and ya know how my floor has name tags that say "Kate is..."? Well someone put a post it note that said "beautiful" right next to the "Kate is..." and that totally made my day. Whoever did that, THANK YOU!!! Oh, and just because I don't like not knowing things, please tell me who did it? kthnx.
- Andrew (Drew)'s belt
- Andrew's hat
- Steve's t-shirt and boxers
- Justin's sweatshirt
- Ted's pants and shirt
- and of course Julie's crap and her bowling pin
- and Mel's books
- James's food container from when he brought over jello shots a year ago
So yea... come get your stuff and give me more closet space?
March 3 - Whoa, I bowled a 180 and a 165 today. And we haven't lost a game yet. We're so awesome. And this semester I'm actually part of the awesomeness. Sniffly. But I'll be alive. Whoa, I think I'm actually OK with things now. Whee.
March 2 - Whee! Turtleneck day! And NO, I'm not hiding a hickey. Although after explaining that to people I've gotten a few hickey offers. Sigh. Bio final... lets just say for one of the short answer problems I just drew a monkey with a sad face for part (a) and a sad kitty for part (b). Yea... So I like The Exies. A lot. And I'm going to see them with Breaking Benjamin and Theory of a Deadman on friday. So I'm excited. If I don't die, of course. Ack? So cold.
March 1 - So Kenny, Ahmed, and Abdel spent like, 40 minutes trying to explain one bio problem to me, drawing diagrams and making analogies, and I still didn't get it. What the hell is wrong with me?!? I hate it when people take the elevator when it's only 3-4 flights of stairs. Stop being lazy. Gr, I realized I only have a little over a semester to do it in the bowling alley, the library, and the middle of the field. Ack! Must find boyfriend or something. No not really. But it'd be nice if I got to do that before I graduate. That, and bowl over 200 one more time. Eeee. I'm so cold.
February 28 - WHOO! My only class today was cancelled. Sigh, has anyone EVER done laundry without losing a sock? =( The Terminal was a terrible movie. Interesting to watch but oh so terrible. It's weird. I guess it's a Sunday afternoon chick flick kind of movie. Hee. So apparently there IS such a thing as too much pleasure. In my dreams. *Sigh*
February 27 - I think I expected too much from the two parties? Or something? But last night wasn't as good as it coulda been. Maybe cuz I wasn't drunk at all. I had 2 beers the whole night cuz PBR = ew. And punch = pukey pukey. It was still a lot of fun though, abusing the freshmen and keeping Kwame from scaring Adriana and Sharylis. I like PSK because even though half the time I was alone in there I was OK because I knew people. It was quite amusing, I had to walk through the dance floor a few times last night to talk to people, and it was impossible to get through because people would just come up to me and start shaking their butts at me! Gah! I don't want to take part in their ghetto dancing! And then I think Larson was hitting on me. And now Justin, who stopped talking to me out of nowhere 2 weeks ago. It's weird. If I knew this was gonna happen with these people I would've never talked to them in the first place because I do take these things personally, and it does bother me trying to figure out what the hell it is about me that makes people do that. And it makes me wonder who's next (hey you reading this, don't stop talking to me out of nowhere please?). And I know people grow apart or whatever, but that's totally different because there are people I haven't seen much since freshman year and when we do see each other it's like "heyyy I haven't seen you around lately" instead of muttering curses and avoiding eye contact.
February 26 - Last night was fun. I think? We finally gave Steve back his hula skirt! After a year. Oh, the adventures we had with it. Hee hee. Chi Phi killed us with the hard liquor. But it was fun. I think? Poor Andrew =) So we were having hangover pizza today (without Ian and Dre, grr!) and some guy who was in Gio's at the table next to us comes up to us and is like "uhh do you guys want chocolate? it's fondue! we have a lot of it" and put it down on our table. So now poor Brian is out getting strawberries for fondue funness! And James = god with hangover movies and milk and cookies. Whee!
February 24 - Two hour naps without bras are the best. NAPA!! So I was talking to Carlos online today and he mentioned milkshakes and then I was like, oh man I gotta have a milkshake! I think I really wanted one because I had pickles on my chicken patty today and pickles have always made me want either chocolate milk or milkshakes, it could be a junior high school thing. It's weird. Anyway, I asked Kenny if he wanted to go and he didn't, so I IMed like, everyone on my buddy list and they were all like, I'd love to go but I can't. So then I made Ted go, except I didn't really make him, but he went and said that I made him, but whatever. So we had milkshakes. And he paid for me. It was really cute. It made my day. And it snowed a lot on the way back and I was really cold but I still got Dre hot chocolate because I'm the best. And that's the end of my story. I'm a happy bunny. =))
February 23 - I'm keeping quiet, yay! Don't think it'll last long though..
February 22 - I need will power and self control. And backrubs.
February 20 - Holy crap my brother's taller than me. Tee hee my mom was looking at me last night and was like, "wow you're so cute. You've always been cute but now you look even better than you usually do." Hee hee. I am so cute!
February 19 - Last night we partied hard. And by partied hard I mean we did absolutely nothing. And by did absolutely nothing I mean we confused the hell out of poor Brian. And found that that we probably can't make lube on our own. Yes. YAY for theme of the night!!
February 18 - Haha they renamed Tech into Jonas Hall. No one's gonna call it that for at least 2 more years. And it just doesn't have the same ring to it as Tech. I say someone should take the letters down. A little pranky prank!
February 17 - BUNNY! <-- yet another comic. Thanks James!
February 16 - Hee hee hee hee. Apparently I'm bad at cuddling? Grr. I candy necklaces, flip flops, toe socks, and warm weather. I can't wait till it's skirt weather again. WHOA, random people keep saying hi to me today. Like, older man people who work at Stevens and stuff. And kinda staring a little. Not a lot. Just enough for me to notice them looking at me as I pass by. The staring was done by like, people my age also. Weird. Oh well. I'm cold.
February 15 - I kinda like the pink. Should I keep it? Gotta love being hit on with improper grammar and spelling:
lgcasio: you so hot alot of guys dream about you at night while they use right hand
Feel free to abuse the hell out of him.
February 14 - @97! Happy Vday!
1. The holiday FORCES guys to give their gf's stuff. If the guy really liked the girl he'd get her stuff on random days, 'just because,' not on this day. But I think everyone agrees with me on that.
2. The gifts that guys get their gf's for Vday are the most thoughtless gifts ever. Flowers? Candy? Teddy bears? Jewelry? A guy with absolutely no brains and who doesn't know his gf at all can get her all that. And what annoys me most is that girls LIKE that kind of stuff. They're all like, "omg he's sooo thoughtful, he got me roses for Vday!" Or "omg, he wanted to be creative this year so he got me pink carnations instead of roses AND a teddy bear!" Uhh no. Not creative. Shut up.
3. Now this is the part that really annoys me. Guys say they don't want to get into relationships because they don't want to be forced to do stuff and get the girl stuff and be whipped. Yet they get into relationships with girls that will make them go shopping with them and demand jewelry on holidays. And girls like me and Julie would NEVER be like that, yet we're the ones who are always single. Is it because we DON'T demand things? Do guys actually want to be whipped and to spend hundreds of dollars on a girl? I don't get that. I mean, the perfect gift for me for be like, to print out explodingdog pictures that have to do with love, or whatever the occasion is, but I guess next time I have a boyfriend I'll ask for platinum earrings.
February 12 - Dodo bird!! Check out Steak And Cheese dot com. Some of the pictures are gross, some are awesome.Herbert Cumberdale.
February 10 - Got lots of compliments on my hair today. Apparently it's beautiful =))) Who knew that not straightening or blow drying it makes people notice it and go "ooh wow." Hee hee. Also heard something today that made me smile. In a *thingy* kinda way.
February 9 - I <3 You Look So Fine by Garbage.
You've got me tethered and chained
I hear your name
And I'm falling over
I can't take it like the other girls
I won't share it like the other girls
That you used to know
Drown in me one more time
Hide inside me tonight
Do what you want to do
Just pretend happy end
Let me know let it show
February 8 - Uhh... a symposium thingy in 2 months? Ha! Philly? Ha. Should be interesting. The comedian e-mailed me back again. Said to let him know when I want to go to Ha Comedy club and he'll get me in for free any night of the week. I think I need to make buddies with comedians. Hehe I should ask him if he's on MySpace. Damn you people and MySpace. I was so not gonna do the whole MySpace thing. But eh, peer pressure. So yea, 2 things:
I signed up for the Ski Trip on March 5. You should too!
And I'm going to see You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, probably this Sunday. You should too. It's free for Stevens Students. Yea, so won't you join me? the song. It made me happy.
February 7 - This is the epitome of Brooklyn. How did I turn out OK?
February 6 - Ha ha. Reminded me of this summer. Boyfriends should NEVER clean their girlfriend's bathrooms. Poor Andrew. And to think he could've been my bitch instead of Jackie's. So I was sexiled from my room last night. Yea.
February 5 - Oh man, such a nice day. Nice enough for iced coffee. So I'm in heaven. Ahh... This warmish weather (and cleaning my room in a skirt last night) made me realize that I don't like lots of clothes and I need more nakedness in my life. Yes. Gimme nakedness. Hee hee. *hump*
February 4 - Oh oh oh ooh ooh! Who wants to go see You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (second show listed) at Debaun next weekend? Either saturday or sunday, 3pm, free for Stevens students.
February 3 - @95!
February 2 - Caught a mouse! It was dead (duh) and bloody and mangled and not as cute as Andrew's mouse. So I was disappointed. My nose won't stop running. You know those huge toilet paper rolls in the bathrooms? I think I used up a whole roll to blow my nose during work today. Well not really. But ugh. And worst thing about being sick - I'm out of chapstick, and lip gloss is just gross when you're sick. NEED CHAPSTICK!!!
February 1 - Owww. Sick. And no one's taking care of me. Umm yea.
January 31 - Drunken tongue does NOT speak the sober mind. It exaggerates everything and brings up things from the past, which is exactly what happened friday. And the more I think about it the more I regret it all. And there's nothing I can do about it. Everything I said I didn't mean, yea it might have been true last semester, I did like him and was hurt because he stopped talking to me, but it wasn't even that big a deal, I have NO idea why I brought it all up friday night, because I don't really care anymore, not in that way anyway. And I just don't want things to be awkward and I don't want to be smirked at, and I don't want his friends knowing all the details. Don't know why I'm writing this, because he doesn't even read this, and judging from his lack of response he won't really talk to me. I guess I'm writing all this out because I'm annoyed at myself for not being able to think about what the hell I'm saying when I'm drunk and the fact that even though I don't mean it it'll have its consequences.
January 30 - Oh man oh man I wanna go ice skating. A lot. If anyone wants to go during the week let me know. My goal for the next month is to learn how to skate backwards and turn. In both directions. Whee. Oh man, I wake up today and I have IMs from 9 people, and then I get off of away message and I get IMs from 7 more people in the next 5 minutes. I felt so special. I me. I'm confused about stuff. And flashes from friday are coming back to me and I don't like them. People should just tell me to go to bed and leave when I'm drunk. Yea. Ack. Cuz right now I'm walking around my room doing stuff and then all of a sudden another memory hits me and I'm like, SHIT did that happen? So yea. Must find out.
January 29 - Ahh, pledge night... Twas a short night. I love Chi Phi. I love PSK. Chi Phi was awesome and apparently everyone there is either a Steve or a Dan. PSK has a Steve and a Dan also though. Heh. Yay for bottles of Cold Duck! Or not so yay because that's what made me talk to certain people about certain things that I shouldn't have even brought up. Yea. And that lead to bad things. But other than that it was great there! And I LOVE PSK because I think the rate of hugs there was like, 10/minute. It was great. I like hugs. I like those boys. I LOVE their music. So yea. No more drinking for a while because I don't like not knowing how I got to places or what the hell I said to people the night before. Yea...
January 28 - Eeee last night was nice. I gots mousetraps! Oh, and @94. So I guess I don't get hot chocolate from James. That's OK. 6 more and you all shall know what the numbers mean! Miau.
January 27 - @92! @93!! Whee for the amino acid game!
January 26 - I'm a knucklehead. But it's OK. Hehe I <3 Chris. Freshman year we discussed how people at this school don't know how to hug properly, so ever since then whenever we see each other we give each other big hugs, the real kind where you squeeze and hold on. It's awesome, we don't say anything, just hug and walk away. I'm not liking working at the bowling alley... I hope it gets better here. And I hope classes get better. And I hope I stop being a knucklehead. Yea. Everyone tells me Opera is shitty, but it works so much faster than IE or Mozilla Firefox so screw you all. Yea it crashes, but even if it does, you can still get back to where you were. And when it doesn't crash, it's faster than everything.
January 25 - Whee! Finally have a tray! Now that the snow is gone. We still went down the hill behind Howe once each. Yay for Andrew! And he brought me hot chocolate! Raspberry! Whee! And the other Andrew brought chocolate covered pretzels! Not for me, but still yum. Andrews are awesome. Gr, stupid Jason with his stupid strike policy. Mice still not caught. Eep.
January 24 - Eee. Last night was nice =) Who knew nipples bleed during marathons! Anti-nipple-bleeding shirts? Whoa! So now I'm listening to these 8 songs which I just found on my computer, they're in a folder called OASIS Sample. But they don't sound like Oasis. And I tried googling the lyrics from the songs, and NONE of them are on google. 0 hits. Is that even possible?!? It's really good 80-ish music. And I have NO idea who it is. And the songs don't have names, they're just numbered. So I'm really annoyed. Because whatever this band is it'd be up there on my top 10 bands list because I really really like it. Anyone who knows 80-ish music want to come listen? Help!
January 23 - Wheee! Snow! Not in pants, lol. Yes, lol. I was thrown into snow a lot. Thanks guys. Delicious bagel. Mmm. Mel's gone. Ack. Chilled at O Pi house last night. I like those girls. Ceci's the cutest thing ever. I definitely would've pledged there if I was into all that. And it's really too bad that I'm not into all that because I coulda been like, sisters with them. And that woulda been cool. Cuz they have rats! I think me and Julie are getting rats when we live together. Because we decided I'm not allergic to them? Ugh! I've never had a pet. I want a pet. Goldfish don't count. I want kitty, turtle, bunny, rat, and a midget. I want a pet so I'd have more love! Mouse has been MIA since I took its food away last night, lets hope it stays that way. Who wants to let me sleep over tonight in case mouse does come back tonight?? Made two wallets. Pictures coming soonish. Quote from Abhi's profile: "in my sex fantasies... no one ever loves me for my mind." It's cute. Hey Abhi!
Apparently this is an IQ test given to employees in Japan. Just hit the bigger circular button to start. Everybody has to cross the river. The following rules apply:
* Only 2 persons on the raft at a time
* The father can not stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence
* The mother can not stay with any of the sons without their father's presence
* The thief (striped shirt) can not stay alone with any family members
* Only the father, the mother and the policeman know how to operate the raft
* To move the people click on them.
* To move the raft click on the red balls
January 22 - Ha. Last night was drunken. Lots of fun. I think. Decided to keep track of how much we all drink in a night, so my arm was covered in names and tallies. And random people's screennames! Jimbo? I don't even know the dude! But yea, lots of tallies. Around 14-15 7 ounce cups each last night. Ugh, might as well each walk around with our own gallon like Mike does. So apparently my jeans have like, 6 pockets and I thought I lost my key and ID last night because when I was drunk I forgot about the pockets that I put my key and ID into. So yea. Thank you Lubin and Ted for taking care of me. And for listening to drunken rambling. Not like I really gave you a choice there. Whee! Drinky drinky part 3 tonight! And then I take break from the drinky drinky thing. Hopefully. We'll see.@91!
January 21 - Class was cancelled AFTER I got there all hungover. Bastards. Last night was fun. Gah. I didn't eat since noon last night (except for Dre's cookie! yum!) and I still had to drink a whole lot. Speaking of drinking... keep me AWAY from AIM and my phone when I'm drunk!! Ack. Sorry to whoever I drunkenly IMed. Good thing I don't call people drunk anymore, just IM them from phone. I hate me sometimes. And I realized hangovers aren't worth it unless you have a boy to wake up next to. Waking up alone with a hangover sucks =\ And no I'm not saying this in a drunken hookup kinda way! Erm. Yea. I go make headache stop now. @90!!
January 19 - Not a happy start to the semester. At all. I'm so confused in biochem. And this prelab is giving me a headache. And don't like the whole bowling alley strike policy. And I hate how Kenny makes me look bad cuz I wasn't about to start working in the lab till next week, but he's already coming in tomorrow. But... I found out I did better than Ted in Calc 3 and 4!!! So that made me sorta happy for like, a minute. Um yea. I go drink hot cocoa and write the prelab.
January 18 - Finished reading the Da Vinci Code. It's not as good as everyone says it is. It reminded me of a scooby doo episode. But with people. The history behind it was interesting, I might read up on all that, but the book itself was crappy. It took me less time to read Les Mis (1462 pages) because I couldn't put that down. This book was ehh. So I was disappointed. Went ice skating yesterday! Twas nice to see that I can go forward and turn (left) without falling. Go me! Classes started. I'm not liking them too much. We'll see.
January 15 - Whee! Back at school. Last night was awesome. People are awesome. Had a really good time. I think I sexually harassed Manny a bit. I'm sorry Manny. We cooked for Lubin! And look! Tech's still alive. And there were flaming pears. And it was delicious. Go us! Yay for cooking in skirts. Some guys saw us in the window from outside (actually that was before the skirts) and were like, hey, come out! And then they got their car and tried that again. And we were like, hey this isn't Brooklyn.... And yay for gothmonkey!!!