August 29 - Stevens is happy. I start a new page for Fall '04 semester and I leave you with pictures from the poconos.
We're such girls.
Julie next to a.... thing.
Dre and a can of beef with juices. Ha.
Can we say Maxim's accidental porn?
Found couch outside TX today, realized we can rearrange my room to fit couch, so now it's awesome. I hope my roommate won't mind. Me and Julie = strong, could've moved the Tech furniture without Lubin, but thanks for helping anyway!! Oh, and Ian, thanks sooo much for driving us home =)
Really nervous about classes. I just gotta keep in mind that no matter how bad I think I'm doing in every class, my GPA just goes up with every semester anyway. Are boyfriends supposed to call you if you don't see them for 2 weeks and they refuse to see you during the time? Yea... Don't know why he hasn't called, but I hope everything's alright between us. YAY Ed tomorrow! Me Ted and Andrew have all missed him this summer. Climbing into people's windows in Tech is fun. It scares them. Whee.
Should I keep this journal or make a livejournal account for all to read? I'd like comments, but I also want my journal to be part of a site, since people for some reason like looking through my crap. I was also thinking I should keep this journal but just limit it to things that happen, and make another page for those paragraph long rants/'deep thoughts'/realizations about life I have once in a while, because I know that if you people see a long paragraph you don't read the whole thing, but if you click on it especially to read my newest thoughts then you'll actually bother reading it. So I don't know, tell me what to do. So if you got to the end of this entry let me know.
So I finally earned money, and my parents had to borrow $2000 from me. Lovely. I don't need it now, but still it woulda been cooler if it was all in my bank account.
Alright, what the hell is it with the private, blank and anonymous guestbook entries??? Damn you people.
So I beat javanoid. All 12 levels. It just takes you back to level 1, but they call it level 13. And it just keeps going. Bastards. Time to find a hobby and maybe some friends.
Was cleaning out crap from my closet today and came across the Nick box... I looked through it and I threw it out! Everything! Didn't even have to think about it! Not that there was much in there - a wifebeater, a movie ticket stub, and pictures he drew from that game we played when I was sick (from a 9 month relationship), but still, I'm proud of myself. Took a little over two years, but yay. And I was thinking that no matter how badly I get hurt in any relationship, nothing's going to be worse than being called used trash and then knowing that he's on his way to Boston to fuck his ex. I hope nothing worse will ever happen to me.
Am I supposed to miss the boy? I don't yet, but I can see myself starting to in like, a week. Especially with all these Brooklyn retards IMing me. It's like they know I'm at home and IM me this week instead of when I'm in school. Ugh. But yay, I haven't had any lesbian/orgy dreams, and no dreams of him breaking up with me either! Waking up alone still sucks though.
omgomg I'm so addicted to peanut butter. It's good with apples and bananas and sun-shaped pancakes and english muffins and just about anything! Must go to that peanut butter place in the city! Must also consider switching to low-fat peanut butter... cuz.. yea.
There are soo many movies coming out soon (has there always been this many, or am I just not used to watching tv??) but I don't want to see any of them. Meh.
Saw the movie "Kids" last night. That's gotta be the second most disturbing movie ever, after "Requiem for a Dream."
Bush should've had a son that was gay. And a daughter that was in need of an abortion.
Whee! Random fireworks! Happy August 15 everyone!
Moved into Tech. It's a lot smaller and there's a lot less closet space than in CPA, but I like it more. Feels more dormy and cozy. Yes, I like dormy.
"I can't believe that PETA has gotten so pathetic that they go door to door now, but I just answered a knock to find two little twerps, high school age, asking me to sign a "letter of intent" that I wouldn't eat turkey this Thanksgiving.
After I refused, they asked for a donation instead. So I went to the freezer and dug out an old steak and gave it to them.
I could hear them freaking out for a good five minutes after I slammed the door in their appalled faces."
Ted's friend John said I was a cutie and that he approves of me. Hee hee. That made my day. That, and some random person looking at my site left me a private entry in my guestbook saying I was very pretty. I was thinking how it's cool to finally grow out of all the teenage stupidities and to not go through months of thinking you're not pretty and stuff. I still have days where I don't like my face, or I feel like a big fat blob of fat walking and jiggling around, but now I know that it's just for a day that I feel like that and in reality I'm pretty. I think I think too highly of myself, but it's OK because I don't get all stuck up, and it's better than constantly thinking you're ugly, right? Whee. *hugs myself*
A cool tree
My step-brother, brother and me
Spikey tree
Reflection of sunset in lake
Guaranteed Overnight Delivery
Camping was nice. Not as awesome as it usually is, but it was nice getting away from computers and phones and people and stuff for 4 days. What could've made it better, you ask? Well we went to the middle of nowhere in PA, and I prefer mountains, makes hiking a whole lot more exciting. Don't like just walking through the woods. I like hiking up mountains and such and looking at waterfalls and there was none of that. Also, the campground was too large and busy, and our campsite wasn't very cozy. Also, one of our tents broke when we got there, so we had to devise a way to tie it to a tree. Also would've been better if my brother wasn't a whiny little bitch. Would've been better if the 'lake' by our campground was a real lake instead of a dam - water was too cold to go swimming, although we stopped by another lake on tuesday for a quick swim on our way home. Also got rained on on tuesday when packing up, so that was yucky. But not bad overall. Have a couple of cute pictures, will post tomorrowish.
Today was the last day of Technogenesis work for me. Yay. I left around 11 am b/c I got my timecard signed and because Lunan is a shithead and because of him I wouldn't have gotten anything done today anyway. Ugh, I can't stand that kid. I didn't like him when he first came in to work, just not my type of person. Does all these little things that annoy me. But after actually trying to work with him, I can't stand him. First off, he always uses big words and uses a lot of words to say something simple. Example: instead of "we don't have results yet but we're working on it" he would say "well you see we have been attempting to analyze the data from the CD spectra (there was NO reason to repeat that cuz thats what the professor asked about) but we seem to be having a bit of a difficulty utilizing the software. we will keep trying to get the structure by using the software." Oy. Just stfu. Or like, if we're all sitting there discussing how to do the next step and I say something like "alright what concentrations are we using for the scan?" he'll answer with "well we need to calculate the concentrations of the samples we'll be using for the scan before we can do anything else." Yea, no shit, I just fucking said that, stop repeating it just because you don't have anything else to say. And when I spent like, 2 weeks working with the stupid HPLC machine I got annoyed and asked why him and Abdel don't even run the experiments, and he was like "well when Ninad explained how to use it it was just so confusing, all the clicking, that I didn't get it." Yea, but I did so wtf why am I the only one working. I still don't think he knows how to use anything. I left him detailed instructions for what to do the two days I'm camping (Open tube A pour into container B, turn this on, turn that to that) and the people I work with (the ones I like) told me he read the note, put it down, and left. WTF, who does that. What a fucking dick. He probably didn't even know what ultrafiltration is. If he knew anything that was going on in our project he should've known what to do without my instructions, but even if he didn't "ultrafiltrate solution A" should've been enough, but no, he doesn't even know what to do with detailed instructions. I want to slap him. Ugh. I hope he doesn't come back to work in september.
Overall I'm very happy with this whole research experience. The whole point of it for me was to not live in Brooklyn and to get paid. And I did learn how to use a lot of equipment and such, and this is actual real experience for my resume, and if I actually finish it during the year it'll be awesome. Yea it could've been a lot better. When we got to the lab in June there was nothing there, not even beakers, so half the time was wasted just waiting for stuff. So I understand why everyone in the lab was pissed off and said it was a waste of time and they're never doing it again, but whatever, I got what I wanted. Plus I got to work with awesome people - Chris, Komal, Corina and Ciara. Chris is friggin awesome, I thought he might be when I had orgo lab with him, but now that I actually got to work with him I know that for sure. It's because of him that I started reading the news (a little) and I sometimes check the word of the day. Hey, I learned a few new words this summer: flummery, hypnagogic, lebation (sounds dirty hehe), ludic, treacly, and teetotaler. So yea, I'm satisfied with my summer.
But... speaking of mentees... I e-mailed my new set of metees yesterday and 2 wrote back already, whee. One girl wants me to give her a tour of the campus so I'll be doing that sometime next week. Whee. I don't know why that makes me happy. Probably because one of my mentees was awesome from last year, so I'm hoping there'll be more awesome mentees. Whee.
Grr there was a birthday exploding dog on his birthday and he doesn't even like exploding dog. I'm so jealous.
Watched Mask of Zorro on friday. Guys in capes/cloaks are HOT. In movies made about that time period you always see a man and a woman walk by each other, glance into each other's eyes and immediately fall in love and want to get married. Did that actually happen ever? Because that's so much easier than dating and all that crap. Or do you need really nice eyes for that to happen? Eh. 6 days and 2 hours of work left, WOO HOO!
Forgot to mention: I slept 14 hours last night. I feel sooo good today.
Oh, I forgot. They have this amazing candy in Japan that powders and crumbles and melts in your mouth. It's so fucking good. It's for like, tea ceremonies or something. Yumm.
There's a mouse running around in the bowling alley. Ack.
Oh no I suck in bed. Poor Ted.
Random Stuff You Should Answer: (STOLEN FROM DRE)
1. Are you happy with your name? No. Can't do anything cool with it, plus I get called Yeka. People have told me my worst quality is my name, which really isn't too bad =)
2. What grade did you like best? 8th and 11th. College rocks too, but 8th grade was all kinds of craziness with Julie, and 11th grade I had my whole gang with Danny and Abanty and people.
3. Which celebrity do you HATE? I find Snoop Dogg repulsive. Don't really know/care though.
4. Whats your favorite big word? Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious.
5. Whats your favorite curseword? Shithead, fuckhead.
6. When did you first learn about sex? ~6-7 years old. My mommy showed me a book written for kids and it was all like "when a man and a woman really love each other..." And there were pictures about puberty and such.
7. Were you scared? Oh yea. My first question was "but mommy doesn't it hurt if the man has to lay on the woman? Men are bigger."
8. How many concerts have you been to? Not many.
9. Whats your drug of choice? Alkihol.
10. If you were an animal which would you be? Dunno. Never liked this question. Meow.
11. Whats your favorite shape? I like abstract shapes that look balanced.
12. Admit it - what do you like that everyone would make fun of you if they knew about (which they will)? Harry Potter? But everyone knows that. Hanson? Spice Girls?
13. What superpower would you have? Read people's minds. But I have to be able to turn it on and off.
1. Superman or Batman: Not a big superhero person. But Spiderman once waved at me and Julie in Canada and that made us giddy.
2. Pool or ocean: Waves are fun, but I hate the stuff living there, so I say pool <-- I stole Dre's answer.
3. Major or minor: Minor... I think...
4. Beer or Liquor: NOT beer.
5. Sushi or steak: Sushi.
6. Mexico or Canada: Never been to Mexico. Canada has hottt guys though.
7. Salt or Sugar: Sugar, although if I prefer salty snacks over sweet snacks. But salt by itself is disgusting.
8. Black or White: Black
9. Cookie or Cake: Cookies are more of a happy food. But cake can be sooo much better. With fruity stuff on top.
10. Introvert or Extrovert: Dictionary says: introvert:
Directed more toward inward reflection and understanding than toward people and things outside of self. Slow to expose reactions, feelings and thoughts to others. So I guess introvert
11. Pen or Pencil: Pencil for math. Pen for everything else.
12. Numbers or Letters: Numbers. So many cool tricks and things.
13. Sex or drugs: SEXXX
Thought this was cute:
LIFE... is all about ass:
You're either covering it,
laughing it off,
kissing it,
busting it,
or trying to get a piece of it.
I hate feeling helpless, inferior, angry, hurt, upset, or anything else that makes me want to crawl into a little ball and cry. Don't worry, I'm not any of those things, I was just thinking of how much it sucks to feel like that. Hmm...
My favorite ones are in bold: =)
Mommy, Mommy! Why do I have to hop everywhere?
Shut up or I'll chop off your other leg!
Mommy, Mommy! Grandma's got a bruise.
Shut up and eat around it!
Mommy, Mommy! What happened to all your scabs?
Shut up and eat your cornflakes!
Mommy, Mommy! What's in those CARE packages they send to Africa?
Shut up and get back in the box!
Mommy, Mommy! The teacher says I look like a monkey!
Shut up and comb your face!
Mommy, Mommy! Are you sure this is the way to make ginger bread men?
Shut up and get back in the oven.
Mommy, Mommy! What's for dinner?
Shut up and get back in the oven!
Mommy, Mommy! What do you want with that ax....
Mommy, Mommy! Billy won't let go of my ear.
Billy, let go of Susie's ear.
Billy! Let go of her ear!
All right Billy, give me her ear.
Mommy, Mommy! I hate daddy's guts.
Well, just leave them on the side of the plate.
Mommy, Mommy! Why is daddy so pale?
Shut up and keep digging.
Mommy, Mommy! I don't like grandpa.
Well, just push him aside and eat your beans.
Mommy, Mommy! Grandpa's going out!
Well throw some more gasoline on him then.
Mommy, Mommy! I don't want to go to Australia.
Shut up and keep swimming.
Mommy, Mommy! Why are we pushing the car off the cliff?
Shut up or you'll wake your father.
Mommy, Mommy! I keep running in circles.
Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor.
Mommy, Mommy! Why's everybody running?
Shut up and reload
Mmm... cherries and chocolate whipped cream and salami in bed. Hott.
I don't get Nick. But I also don't care, so yay.
Soo... much... food... at home... Yum. But it's OK, I lost 7 pounds in the last month, so yay I can eat well by myself. Now I'm kinda maybe regretting not living in CPA. Went to the beach today. Water was brrr. And I usually don't mind cold water. Heard a mother yelling at her kids: "Get yo' stoopid ass outta da water" and "don't make me choke the shit outta ya'll." Umm. Yea, great example for the kids.
A turkey. That's hott. =)
Rich makes me happy and giddy. Don't know why, but he's awesome and talking to him is awesome. And I don't know if we're friends or what, but whee he's always there to help me make fun of retards on meetspot and to point out the ugly people to me.
A prayer thing hanging in our lab for some reason:
Lovely Lady dressed in blue -
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy, Tell me what to say!
Did you lift him up, somtimes,
Gently, on your knee?
Did you sing to Him the way
Mother does to me?
Did you hold his hand at night?
Did you ever try
Telling stories of the world?
O! And did He cry!
Do you really think He cares
If I tell Him things -
Little things that happen? And
Do the Angel's wings
Make a noise? And can He hear
Me if I speak low?
Does he understand me now?
Tell me - for you know?
Lovely lady dressed in blue -
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your littel Boy,
And you know the way.
Hahaha. Reminds me of sweetie101's poetry. Only Julie will get that. But yea, how dumb. Wow. I should write poetry.
What else.... work is blah. It's weird how absolutely nothing is going on in my life, but I'm never bored, and I'm always happy. And Ted's the best =)
I LOVE that cell phone commercial where the old lady is all like "hells yea" and "yo" and then there's a bunch of old people and they're at a party "getting all kinds of nasty." Hee hee hee.
I keep listening to Brand New - Sic Transit Glora over and over. The song gives me the chills.
Keep the noise low
(She doesn't wanna blow it)
Shaking head to toe
While your left hand does "the show me around"
Quickens your heartbeat
It beats me straight into the ground.
You don't recover from a night like this
A victim still lying in bed, completely motionless
A hand moves in the dark to a zipper
Hear a boy bracing tight against sheets barely whisper, "This is so messed up."
Upon arrival the guests had all stared
Dripping wet and clearly depressed,
He'd headed straight for the stairs
No longer cool, but a boy in a stitch,
Unprepared for a life full of lies and failing relationships
He keeps his hands low
He doesn't wanna blow it
He's wet from head to toe and
His eyes give her the up and the down
His stomach turns and he thinks of throwing up
But the body on the bed beckons forward
And he starts growing up
She hits the lights
This doesn't seem quite fair
Despite everything he learned from his friends
He doesn't feel so prepared
She's breathing quiet and smooth,
He's gasping for air
"This is the first and last time," he says.
She fakes a smile and presses her hips into his
He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides
He's holding back from telling her
exactly what it really feels like
He is a lamb, she is the slaughter.
She's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her
Nothing that he touches her is really having an effect
He whispers that he loves her,
But she's probably only looking for...
So much more than he could ever give:
A life free of lies and a meaningful relationship.
He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides
He waits for it to end
And for the aching in his guts to subside.
Up the stairs: the station where
the act becomes the art of growing up.
The fever, the focus.
The reasons that I had to believe
You weren't too hard to sell.
Die young and save yourself.
The tickle, the taste of...
It used to be the reason I breathed
But now it's choking me up.
Die young and save yourself.
Grr. Ugh.
If you got a couple of hours to kill... Get this guy laid
If you got a few minutes to kill... Get this guy to walk straight.
Now that's disappointing. =\
Ian bowled a 255!!!!
Wheee lots of peppermint patties! Happy day. And flowers, and a bath stopped thing. Heh heh.
Nothing new. The spots all over me might've started to get better, but last night I ended up scratching the ___ out of myself in my sleep, so now it's back to the redness and burning and itching and bumpiness. So my boobies were covered in hickey-like spots from bras and clothing and such, but after last night I have dark purple hickey-like scratches all over them. Gross isn't it? But seriously, I don't know wtf it is and I don't want to go to doctor, but it's so frustrating it makes me want to cry. I want to wear cute shirts dammit.
I really shouldn't be allowed to think. I need to be kept busy to stop this whole thinking nonsense.
Julie's right, I was the one who said that it's supposed to be like that. But is it? Why the hell do people do it then? AHHH. Thinking bad.
Jackie's brownies are amazing. I want to marry her.
Anyone surprised I took that picture? Didn't think so.
Saw Ozma, Starlight Run, and Rooney on sunday. For free =) And they gave out lotsa chocolate milk there =) Liked Ozma a lot. Starlight Run was cute, but too emo. Rooney was ehh. Nothing special about them. But Ozma = whoaness.
Work is still blah, but there's a new kid working with us, so it's a bit more fun. Was bored at work so was looking through a NYC guide book, and found:
Kate's Joint - too bad it's all vegan
Masturbakers - HINT HINT!
the address to the french fry place (yay!)
Tom's Diner (Suzanne Vegas's song) does exist, and it's in Brooklyn, with a note by her in there, so must go sometime
and some kind of peanut butter place
Holy shit, ___ is so fucking yummy. Wow. I'm a happy bunny. No sleep during the last 3 nights, but it's so worth it. I haven't been this happy since the first 2 weeks of the spring semester. Except it only gets better from here this time, while last time I was this happy it could only get worse and it did. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
ResLife are suck fucking bastards (you don't have to read this, I'm just venting). Before the semester was over I went to them and asked if I would be able to keep my hayden room until June 1 since I don't start work till then. They said no way, I'd have to be here on May 22 (or whenever) to move everything. So because I didn't want to have to come here that day I decided to move out and move back in right before work started. So after I move out, they put a note on my door (yes, because I would see the note in hayden after I moved out) saying that I can't get into my summer dorm till June 1 (isn't that what I was asking for originally???). So they give me a temp tech room so I can get my stuff over here before June 1. Yesterday I just happened to be at Stevens and I asked for my tech key and they said my CPA room is ready (HOW many times will they change their minds??). So yay, I have my CPA key. Then yesterday I got an e-mail saying that I HAVE to pick up my CPA key this weekend (what if I wasn't planning on being there this weekend and was planning to move in June 1 like they wanted me to???) AND that I have to hand in my hayden key and move out by June 1 (hello, I moved out already). WTF??? Anyway... Over 10,000 hits! I win!
OMG I had the best cookies ever. AMAZING. Holy shit wow. You know how people say things are better than sex? Well this was actually better than sex. Better than sex + cuddling afterwards. Just amazing. Wow. Soo good. Lakota Bakery in Boston. If you're ever in Boston, go try the cookies. Holy fucking wow.
Had a non-pg-rated dream about Mike. Ha. And it was good. But I don't want Mike. I want ___.
Remember the Crimson Room? Well here's the next one... Heh, good luck.
Accidentally let the door go into a nun's face today. I'm soo going to hell. Kinda awesome though, never saw a real life nun before. Who knew they went to starbucks. Saw midgets before, but never nuns. Saw a midget today. Did you know they had asian midgets? Yeaa... a nun and a midget in one day. My life's complete.
UCB Theater is pretty fucking cool. Not as good as Boston, but still pretty awesome. And free (or really cheap). And it's not the same comics you see everywhere, so new material is always good. There was a guy who turned everything into pirate talk! So yea, new place. Woo hoo. But walking through the village at night is disgusting. People who follow you around and ask you to have sex with your friend while they watch should be shot. Of course, they don't even ask in proper english. So yea, yucky. If only Julie had a shotgun and was allowed to make NYC a better place...
Plays/shows/theaters/comedy clubs in NY I love all that stuff. If anyone wants to go to any of the listed performances, let me know.
Gavin Rossdale is so fucking hot. Mmm mmm...
Gilmore Girls. Man, the way Dean looked at Rory right before they did it... I miss that. Haven't had that since Nick. Damn, that's over 3 years. Ew. I need to get some.
Random Excuse Generator. Old, but soo amusing.
Hate me =) OK, so it's not as great as Andrew and Jackie, but still, pretty goddamn good.
OMFG. Simon from 7th Heaven got HOTTT. Whoa... the show got even dumber though. But Simon = hubba hubba.
Julie's book bit me in the ass. And it hurts. =(