The Whimit Experiment

For those of you who aren't Russian and in Brooklyn (which is 99.99% of people who look at the site), whimit is a website for Russian people. They can create a profile, upload pics, fill out informations about themselves, and post stuff on the forum. Sadly, I'm on whimit. The reason for that is because yea, I do live in Brooklyn and I do get bored so it provides some entertainment. And the occasional (very rare) compliment definitely doesn't hurt. Now before you click on my profile, look at the rest of the girls on whimit, just to see the types of people that are on it (and the types of people that live around me, unfortunately). See a difference? (See that I don't stick my boobs or ass in the camera, don't have a username like sexylilqtbaby4u, and don't tYpE LiKe tHiS and have lots of ~*~ in my profile?)

I noticed that any girl that shows skin, no matter how hideous her face is, get comments saying she's gorgeous and blah blah. So I decided to conduct an experiment. I have taken a few pictures of me and filled out a really stupid profile.

Haven't done it yet... Gotta put loads of make up on myself and take whore pictures... Julie's gonna enjoy this... Coming soon =)