Monday: Pressing Through for the Blessing!

The Datim showed up again with a stuff camel (as they did last Monday 01.01.07). Their main objective today was to rub in our face that last Thursday we had to shell out 4,000 shekels. They even had the police officer laughing about all this.

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Well, I calmly told the officer (with the Datim listening), “the money they are referring to has a curse on it. It’s like ‘blood money’. These guys have ripped off God’s money! God sees and knows! God is not to be mocked! Once you get a hold of ‘blood money’, it’s like having someone’s blood on your hands. You can’t seem to wash it off. This is a very serious matter!”

These people need to know the truth. They need to know that that was God’s money, that He is watching, and the seriousness of all this. The police officer needs to know that God sees him laughing! That God gets ripped off, a crime is committed against God, and he (a police officer) thinks it’s a big joke.

Some of these Datim even boast about getting paid ‘cash money’ for persecuting us Christians/Messianic believers.

The good news is: A man with a cane pressed through all this and made his way into the storefront where we were praising the Lord. He was in dire need of a pair of shoes and was coming to our tables for over a year, hoping to find a pair big enough for him.

Well, we traced out his feet and before I could write out a prayer request, Lura put the word out by e-mail and within two weeks we should have the shoes in hand.

Praise God for you people!

Edwin Beckford
January 8, 2007