All that baptizing made satan mad as hell!

I did a lot of driving yesterday, to the Jordan and back. K* (a young lady from Germany who’s here helping us) said if I would drop her off at the storefront she would manage things and I could take the rest of the day off.

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Well I dropped her off and was home about 30 minutes when by cell phone rang. It was a guy who read our website, was in The Land, and stopped by to see us. I told him I’d be right there.

When I arrived, the caller was nowhere to be found. Instead, the place was crawling with Datim. (The guy later called again, explaining that he seen all these Datim showing up, got scared, and ran for his life).

Somehow the Datim had gotten hold of the check Lura wrote the other day. The check she made out to Beersheva Court House. And they were boasting about how we lost in court and had to pay up!

I told K* to explain to the chess and domino players that Lura and I went to court before a Jewish judge, 2 Christians/Messianics trying to get restraining orders on Jewish rabbis and Datim to stay away from us, the storefront, and our homes…we flat-out lost, and had to pay court cost and their lawyers fee. And that was the check they were boasting about.

Edwin Beckford
January 12, 2007