A Day of Rest!

Yesterday God blessed us with some XXL used and new clothes!

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Today I wrote “Big Clothes” in Russian on my little chalkboard, laid the clothes out, allowing the chess/domino players to have first grab.

Tomorrow is Monday (market day). It’s the day we officially put the clothes out. It is also a day also full of trials and tribulations.

Well, everything was quiet at the storefront so I decided to take a ride out into the desert (the wilderness) to visit one of my Bedouin friends. The desert is a quiet place, a happy place, a place to get some RR (rest and relaxation.)

He has a satellite dish (smile) but only runs his generator a few hours after dark. Thus, he has no electricity without it running.

He also has a new baby camel.

When I arrived, one of his daughters was making bread over an open fire. A little while later I was served some Bedouin/Turkish (mud) coffee. It was all good! Very, very good!

8:30 p.m. someone rang our doorbell. It was a messenger for the city, returning ‘the check’ which one of the Datim tried to cash and couldn’t. Lura called the person who he said sent him and made arrangements to travel to Beersheva this Thursday to pay the court in person and in cash.

Lura was relieved to get the check back and out of the hands of the Datim because it had all our personal info on it: our home address, phone #, bank address, account #, etc.

I couldn’t help from wonder, 'How did the Datim end up with the check when it was made out to the Beersheva Court House and given it to the city official, who had 3 police officers with him, ready to confiscate things from our house unless we wrote the check out right then and there?'

How did the check get from him to them?

Anyhow, we’ve got to get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day.

Edwin Beckford
January 14, 2007