Monday - The Check Reappears!

We expected Christmas to be intense but sort of expected things to settle down by now. Instead, things are spiraling and escalating at an alarming rate! It seems like ‘all hell is breaking loose!’ It’s as if a New Year resolution has been made to get rid of us in 2007.

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Although money was paid out to eradicate us in 2006, we are still standing. This has made the forces against us look ‘bad’. I’m sure someone really got chewed out for failing to get the job done.

Today 17 to 20 Datim showed up at the storefront. One of them was carrying an enlarged, laminated photo of ‘the check’ we made out to the Beersheva court; the check with all of our personal information on it.

When I realized what this guy was holding, I reached out, grabbed it, and tried to snatch it out of his hand. Immediately, a guy standing next to him grabbed hold and began helping his fellow comrade. We had a tug-of-war going there for a while, but I lost…I was pulled off my feet, losing hold, and scraping up my knees.

It was at this time that the Monday cop showed up! When told what happened, the only thing he had to say to anyone was “Edwin, you are not supposed to take the law into your own hands!” Hmmm, looks like I’m the only one in trouble once again.

When J* (a young lady who helps us with the clothes) was ready to leave, 3 of the Datim started to follow her. We called her back, told the cop who just shrugged his shoulders. Lura managed to escort J* over to the cab stand, located behind a building, out of sight from the policeman and I. About 5 Datim took off running behind the building after them.

Lura didn’t come right back! I tried calling her on her cell phone! I turned to the police, asking him “Is it against the law for me to protect my wife?” He said, “You can’t take the law into your own hands!” I asked him “What about self-defense?”

I didn’t wait for an answer and took off running towards the cab stand in search for Lura. When I rounded the corner, all I saw was a group of Datim and some spectators. I yelled, “Where’s my wife?”

One of the onlookers indicated that she had gone around the other side of the building, heading back to the storefront.

Later, after putting away the remaining used clothes, and when enough of the domino / chess players arrived, we seized the chance to get away and do lunch. We (Lura, Rebeka, K*, and I) piled into the van and drove off like we were leaving town, circling back to the restaurant, which is located across from the shuk (marketplace)…but they found us!

Apparently, Datim can stalk Christian/Messianics without breaking any laws in Arad.

I had parked the van in front of the window so as to keep an eye on the tires. We were in a comfort zone, a safe haven, a place of rest.

We thanked God for the food we were about to receive. We thanked Him for this day, and how He is using us to expose what is lurking in the hearts of these Pharisees so that people can choose life and not death.

Edwin Beckford
January 15, 2007