Police Station: their word against mine

English class was just wrapping up when a police officer entered the storefront at 9:50 a.m., handed me a piece of paper, and said I had to be at the police station by 10 o’clock (in 10 minutes).

I was interrogated for 2½ hours about allegedly attacking 2 Datim and knocking them to the ground last Monday. I insisted that all I did was grab the poster of the check with our personal info on it. I asked them “Why do you keep using the word attacked?” They were trying to make it look as if 2 Datim were walking down the street and I attacked them!

I told them that there were 17 to 20 Datim out there at any given time. And only one Dati was holding the poster when I grabbed it, but he soon had another guy helping him. All I laid hands on was the poster and I was the one ending up on the ground.

Hmmm, 17 to 20 Orthodox Jew’s words against a Christian in Israel among Jewish policemen and Jewish judges!

“God help me!!!”

While I was at the police department in Arad, Lura was at the court house in Beersheva. She was trying straighten out all this confusion about ‘the check’.

Edwin Beckford
January 18, 2007