Inflation Affects Everyone!

Last year to use this WC (water closet, loo, 00, toilet, head, John, powder room, lavatory, latrine, bathroom) cost only 1 shekel. The cost has jumped 100%; now it costs you 2 shekels.

While on the subject of “water closets”… did you know that it’s against Jewish law to tear toilet paper on Shabbat! Doing so is considered work! Next time you’re in Israel, check it out! The hotels put out kosher toilet paper (pre-torn or facial tissues) Friday before Shabbat begins.

Also, 4 reasons why observant Jews don’t brush their teeth on Shabbat:

1. Sechitah. Squeezing liquid out of a solid in which it was absorbed is prohibited on Shabbat. When wet, densely packed nylon bristles of a regular toothbrush are pressed against the teeth, many Jewish scholars consider it is as if the water is squeezed out of the bristles and forbid using a wet toothbrush.

2. Chavalah. Causing oneself to bleed on Shabbat is prohibited. Sharp nylon bristles of a regular toothbrush can cause gums to bleed.

3. Memareach. Spreading a cream or ointment onto an object used as an applicator to the body is prohibited on Shabbat. Therefore, most Jewish scholars prohibit use of regular toothpaste or gel applied to any toothbrush.

4. Uvdin D'Chol. If a regular activity involves something that one may not do on Shabbat, that activity will be classified as a “weekday activity”. For some Jewish scholars who permit the use of a regular toothbrush without toothpaste this prohibition would apply to using one's weekday toothbrush and they require a separate and even distinctive toothbrush for Shabbat.

Some Messianic Jews take pride in keeping the laws of the Shabbat. I remember a Messianic tour group booked rooms at a Dead Sea hotel. They rented a conference room for Shabbat praise and worship service, to find out that they were not allowed to play musical instruments on Shabbat and absolutely no women singing! I wonder if they knew about the toilet paper.

In essence, it is believed that Jews have to keep 613 basic laws and gentiles only have to keep 7 (the 7 Noahide laws) to make it to heaven. But that’s another whole story!
