JANUARY 29, 2009




Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
       my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
       My heart leaps for joy
       and I will give thanks to him in song.

This verse from Psalm 28 blessed me so deeply this week.  It is so simple in it's declaration of faith - the need for strength and protection, and the supply of it when the heart trusts. Then we are helped, and joy and praise in song result.


Fellowship and Ami trivia


  This past week has been eventful in the number of people who have come to our home and congregation with the intention of encouraging us.  And we've been encouraged!  We are especially encouraged by the prayers prayed over us and although Ami is feeling a bit like a spectacle, he is always happy in the end that he's met new friends.

This week he's been suffering from a bad sore throat which is not a throat infection, but a bad virus.  He's been sleeping for most of two days and not eating, but is drinking a lot of green tea. When we were at the doctor's office today, he measured his height and weight - he is 1meter and 93 cm. tall and weighs in at 71 ½ kilos.  (6'3" and 151 lbs.)  Needless to say he is all muscles and bones!! 


Interesting Development and answer to prayer


  We were also encouraged by a call from our criminal lawyer, Yossi.  The time has come in Israel for new elections to take place for Prime Minister, and campaign ads are broadcast on TV every day at certain hours.  In Israel, our government is based on the Parliamentary system.  We have many parties representing different political viewpoints, and sectors of society, like the elderly, etc.   We vote for these parties, not individuals, and the head of the winning party then becomes Prime minister, with the other parties vying for Knesset seats.  As he was watching these ads, Yossi was struck by the hatred he's seeing rising up in Israeli society against anything that is not "mainstream".  He was all of a sudden struck by the fact that not only was the Ortiz family attacked and still in danger of further violence, but all of the community of Messianic believers in Israel are under threat and not protected.  He has a proposal to help us as a community which we will be looking into.  This is just very interesting to me, because it was always in my heart to not just have our incident be represented in court, but that the cases of other Messianic believers in Israel who have suffered very severe persecution would be included.  However, I never thought that our non-believing lawyer would be able to wrap his mind around this reality, and we never brought this up to him.  But the Lord Himself broke through to our very talented and unusual lawyer, and we will see where this will lead us.



Prayer request and encouragement


  Purim is coming up in March, and it will be one year since the incident happened that changed our lives forever.  It is amazing how far we've come, and yet we still have a way to go before we can put this all behind us.  Please continue to pray for Ami and our family to continue to heal and fully recover.  I have called the hospital in an attempt to push the ear drum transplant forward a bit as per Ami's request.  We should be getting a letter from them soon as to their decision.  Can we pray for the ear drums to be healed without these operations?  Ami, up to this point, has been patiently waiting, either for healing or the operation - but he's a little stretched, and the inability to hear well is wearing on his nerves.

Sometimes during my quiet time with the Lord I've been reading "Streams in the Desert" which is a beautiful devotional that was recommended to me by a dear sister in the Lord.  I was blessed by the January 24th devotion, and especially this paragraph -

Brother, are you fainting in prayer? Look up. Your blessed Advocate has already claimed your answer, and you would grieve and disappoint Him if you were to give up the conflict in the very moment when victory is on its way to meet you. He has gone in for you into the inner chamber, and already holds up your name upon the palms of His hands; and the messenger, which is to bring you your blessing, is now on his way, and the Spirit is only waiting your trust to whisper in your heart the echo of the answer from the throne, "It is done." --A. B. Simpson
With much appreciation in the Messiah,