Russian & English translations of yeterday's posters!

Russian translation of poster click here!

English translation of poster click here! But note… I’ve highlighted a few things in Red!

1. Yad L’Achim organization – a hate/terrorist group as I see it but you do the math and conclude for yourself. Do a web search!

2. The Cabbalist Rabbi Yoram Aberjil – I wanted to point out the word Cabbala or Kabbalah. Wow! We’re talking soothsayer, magician, sorcerer, astrologer stuff! Jewish mystical tradition, occult lure, and Hamsa Chai stuff! Lucky red bendel strings, evil eye, etc, etc, etc.

Once again, I encourage you to do the foot work for yourself! Look up Cabbala (also spelled Kabbalah), check it out and derive at your own conclusion.

3. I highlighted that say in their own words to join them in their fight against the missionaries!

Edwin Beckford
Feb 25, 2006