People of Arad


In those days in the town of Arad here are many activities against missionaries including demonstrations and sabotage. This is unusual for the peaceful and beautiful town of Arad. It is really important that you are aware of this because: Our work is directed against the damaging acts of these people who try their hardest to come to you and your children with one goal, to seduce, convince and force you to change your faith and be baptize. We are not talking about people who live normal lives, we are talking about people who work day and night, with one purpose: to convert Jewish people to Christianity. Sounds unlikely, but it is true. Here are some true facts:

        Special session of Supreme Court about "messianic Jews"

        (Judge Berenson, case #467/75)


            "It is clear that there is a sect, of which members are born Jews, but believe that Jesus is Messiah.  These people call themselves Messianic Jews. They insist that they are faithful to their Jewish heritage, but all of Judaism has rejected the. Now these Jews have no place among their own people" 


            This goal of converting is accomplished in part because they (missionaries) gain the trust of new repatriates by holding events in poor neiborhoods, like opening (another) chess club. But regardless the time, place or social standing of a person he always defends his faith in Judaism, and never changes his beliefs.

        Missionaries who live in Arad want to uproot Jews from their ancestral roots, but we cannot allow this to continue.


                    THAT  IS  WHAT  WE  ARE  FIGHTING  AGAINST.


        We will use all our legal power and protection by law to let them know that they are not welcome here in our town.


When we are hurt - we will cry out.


And this is cry of all citizens of Arad.


Leave Arad alone!     Leave us alone!!