Got Bibles!

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Source #1
A package came from the Nederland (Netherlands / Holland). Cost 52.95 EURO ($69.56 USD) postage on distant end. Plus we had to pay a 166 shekels ($39.58 USD) custom fee on our end.

Note! To send Bibles and books to Israel you have to fill in a customs form at your post office. When doing so, be sure to describe the contents as Religious Books. Religious books are exempted from custom fees!

20 Russian / Hebrew NT
24 Arabic
2 Russian 2007 calendars w/ Bible verses
1 Arabic 2007 calendar w/ Bible verses

Source #2
Someone gave 117 Gospel according to John (tie-dye color covers) to our local Pastor Yakim who in turn passed them on to me, not knowing that I had a need!

Praise the Lord! I thought the blessing would come by way of the Gideons, but God put a different spin on things. Well, my problem is solved! I have enough small Russian, Hebrew, and Arabic NT Bibles to hold me over, for the time being.

Edwin Beckford
Februaruy 8, 2007