'Jesus For Jews'... Eddie mail

A long story short: Yeshua is Jesus’ name in Hebrew. A year ago, if you asked the typical Israeli, he or she would have answered “Yeshu”. A year ago, even the newspapers called him Yeshu.

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But, in all honesty… the majority of Israeli and Jews worldwide just didn’t know any better, they were taught that his name was Yeshu by their parents and rabbis.

Well, Yeshu is an acronym for “Yemach Shemo Vezichro” which when translated means “May his name and memory be obliterated”. Now I don’t know how God perceives this… as a curse, blasphemy, insult or what, but I'm glad that the media and the people are finally coming to the truth!

The words “Jesus”, “Yeshua”, and “Messianic Jews” (whom the media used to only refer to as Messianics) are showing up in the Israeli news more and more! Instead of His name being blotted out, it’s becoming a household word, the buzz word, the topic of discussion. Praise The Lord!

I looked for the Gospel to flourish under persecution but instead I only saw what appeared to be a decline in congregation attendance. Never being under persecution before, I guess I just didn’t quite know where to look.

Meanwhile, the Gospel was spreading like wild fire all over Israel (From the Galilee, Samaria, Jerusalem, Judea, the Negav, the Zin, down to Eilat) via newspapers, T.V., internet, and cell phones. Who heard of Arad before? Who heard of Ariel before?

When they burned the chess club, when they tried to burn holocaust survivors and pensioners alive, when they demonstrated at Polly's, when they burned The Bible House, when they burned our churches, when they burned stacks of Bibles, when they tried to kill the Otiz family, etc, etc, and on and on!

Who are these Messianics? What is a Messianic? How can a Jew believe in Jesus? Why are they hated so?

Well, rejoice with me on these things as you read the article “Jesus For Jews!”

‘Jews for Jesus’ and Calev Myers (one of our attorneys) with J'lem Institute of Justice are both on our Do’s List.
