God Foils Mass Murder Attempt @ Chess Club!

Wow, what a morning! Man what was this? Was it a warning? Get out of town or else! Well, things were somewhat simmering down, domino games on the outside and chess games on the inside, when I seized my opportunity to get away. Man, I had to get home and let you guys know what happened!

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Looking back, I imagine it was around 2 p.m. but I’m not absolutely sure. Anyhow, I had just pulled up at the house and was getting out of the van when my cell phone rang.

“Eddie! Eddie! Someone poured gasoline around the outside of the chess club and lit it, while the guys were inside playing chess!” “They caught him!” “The police are here now and ready to take him away to the station!”

Long story short, it is true! A young Dati, in his twenties, tried to burn the chess club down with a group of senior citizens on the inside playing chess!

Already I hear people trying to play this thing down! “No one got hurt!” “The guys were on the inside of the building and he was trying to burn the outside” “No real damage was actually done!”

But that’s not the way I see it!

Thanks for all your prayers! God be the glory for snuffing out the flames, for no structural damage, for no one getting killed, and for no one getting hurt.

God even arranged that I wasn’t there, thus assuring that the perpetrator could not place charges against me for detaining against his will, use of excessive force, or whatever!

So, just because you don’t see much in the photos…don’t let this distort the severity of this matter! Look at the intent! This man attempted a mass murder!

This man tried to burn, a building full of people, alive!

This Dati tried to burn, a building full of Russian Jewish senior citizens playing chess, alive!

If this man was an Arab, if this man was a Black Hebrew, if this man was a foreign worker, if this man was a Christian, if this man was a Messianic Jew…what would be the outcome? What would be the outcry?

But I bet, that this man being a Dati will be hailed a hero by many who attended Sunday’s meeting!

Even if justice was to be served, I heard the long arm of the Yad L’Achim can get sentences cut in half!

But, God has got a close eye on all this! Oh yah!

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Edwin Beckford
March 1, 2006