Saying “No” to the Mission

Bezalel Tabib: “Under no circumstances
will we allow you to convert Jews”

In the awakening and protest assembly that was held this week, and was designed to widen the circle of supporters in the struggle against the Mission, many outside the Haredi Community were present. It isn’t a private concern of the Haredim anymore. The leaders of the struggle: “We won’t allow violence in the activity against the Mission, but we can’t always control everybody”. On Wednesday, petrol bombs were thrown at the Missionaries’ Chess Club in the Market.

Last Sunday, a protest assembly against what they call “The Mission” was held in the Main Sepharadic Synagogue in town. According to “Yad Le-Achim”, the reason for the assembly was the continuously growing missionary activity in town, despite the actions of protest that were already taken.

The Messianics in Arad, are active in two congregations, the first one includes several families that are led by Yehoyakim Figris, and hold their activities in the homes of members of the congregation, and another congregation of several families from the former USSR, that are led by Eddie Bedford and run a chess club in the local market. In the assembly, the two Chief Rabbis, the former Mayor, Bezalel Tabib, the Rabbi of Beer-Sheba, the chairman of “Yad Le-Achim” and many residents, including Haredim, religious Jews and conservative Jews were present.

“I’m not a Haredi Jew, but I feel, and am completely convinced, that no one can sit still while this phenomenon exists, if it exists… you want to live in our town – please do, but under no circumstances will we allow you to convert Jews”, said Bezalel Tabib in the event. Rabbi Elbo Yosef said that, “the indifference to the Mission is the greatest danger of all, it is the danger that hurt our nation, but the fact that we are waking up is something important”. According to Rabbi Lipsker, “There is a scripture that says,“Remember what Amalek did to you”… Here in Arad, the Mission is Amalek in disguise, Amalek of today that comes only to establish a pensioners’ club, a chess club, is the same Amalek that led Jews to the incinerators 60 years ago”.

The chairman of “Yad Le-Achim”, Rabbi Shalom Liefschit, called the crowd to take action. The objectors to the Messianic community in town promised in the assembly that as far as they are concerned the fight isn’t over yet and that the information activity in Arad will continue, led by the town’s chief Rabbis. The objectors to the Messianic community in town intend to continue holding demonstrations outside the homes of the Messianics in town. Yehoyakim Figris said that he was surprised to hear that Bezalel Tabib was one of the speakers in the assembly. Figris added that for two years the Haredim have been spreading rumors that they kidnap children and solicit them to convert. According to him, nobody is forcing anybody to convert, and stated that most of his congregants are Messianic Jews but some are indeed Christians, and they meet each Saturday, openly and not for the purpose of recruiting minors to their congregation. Figris said that when a minor, whose family doesn’t belong to the congregation, comes to the place and says he’s interested in hearing the lectures, they demand a written permission from his parents. “As far as we are concerned, a Jew who believes in Yeshua doesn’t stop being a Jew, just as the disciples of the Rabbi from Lubavitch are Jews”, said Figris. “I believe in God, not in the Police”, said Figris and added that for the last two years Protesters, objectors of the Messianics, demonstrate outside his home, weekly, throwing stones and eggs, and cursing. “There is no Freedom of Religion when the Police allow this to happen”, added Figris. Early Wednesday morning, a resident of Arad came to the local market square and threw a petrol bomb at Eddie Bedford’s chess club.

On Wednesday noontime, the resident came again to the place, which was full of people at the time, and tried to throw more petrol bombs, but residents that were there caught him and called the Police.

The Arad Chief of Police, Moshe Ivgi, stated that on Wednesday morning, when the Police were called to the scene, the policemen found that the door of the club was blackened. At noon, as stated, the suspect was apprehended, his arrest was prolonged and on Thursday (today) the Police intend to indict him.