Look at the chart below and say the COLOR of the word; not the word itself.




This is what my mind goes through when I see the ultra-Orthodox Jews do the things they do in the name of God!  It’s difficult for me to process! 


Many Jews and Gentiles are coming to the rude awakening that there is something very wrong with today’s so called “Judaism”. 


They are comparing Messianic Judaism and Jews to rabbinical Judaism and Jews.  Looking at them side by side, it’s like day vs. night, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, life vs. death.   Many Arabs too are making the comparison… wondering why they like the Messianic Jews but not the rabbinical Jews.   


Some people are even exploring the possibility of an elaborate identity thief?  The theory is, satan loves to be praised and worshipped.  Let’s say he has his Church of Satan and Pagans worshiping him, but is not satisfied and wants more!    Let’s say he would love to have Jews to bow down at his feet and worship him, but how?  Could satan somehow take on the title and masquerade himself around as “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”?  Would God allow him that much leeway?  Could God simply say “My sheep will know my voice”  “You can tell a tree by its fruit”, and leave it at that!


If satan could pull such a deceitful thing like that, that would explain why in rabbinical Judaism it is forbidden to mention the name of God, even though God said “Let my name be known!”.  It would explain why Yeshua is blasphemed as Yeshu.  It would also explain why the Torah has virtually been replaced by the Talmud.  It would explain why the rabbinical Judaism is laced through and through with ancient Jewish mysticism (Kabala) and superstitions.   It would explain why there is so much bizarre and ungodly behavior among their leaders and followers, etc, etc, etc.  This theory would answer so many, many questions!  But… this is only a theory that’s being contemplated and pondered! 


Anyhow, many secular Jews do not condone rabbinical Judaism yet have believed the lie that a Jew cannot believe in Jesus.  Thus Jesus/Yeshua was not an option...  until now!  Thank God his word is finally getting out!  People have access to Bibles!  People are beginning to read and think for themselves!  


On this website we have only presented a mustard seed of what goes on here in Israel.  The secular Jews, Arabs, etc… live here and see with their own eyes Right from Wrong! 


Prior to the Gospel getting out like it is, the people only had a choice between the lesser of two or more evils… but now the Truth is in the mix, the Truth is among their options, and many are choosing  Life!  Praise The Lord!