Calling Yeshua obscenities!

These guys, Datim hacklers waving placards, are showing up like clockwork.

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On Monday, market day, they’re (2 men followed by 2 women) at the King’s Men; on Tuesday around 15 are outside the pastor’s house, Wednesday about 8 outside our prayer meetings and on Friday’s 4 to 65 are trying to ruin our Fellowship Dinner.

The pictures on this page were taken at the King’s Men on market day. The hacklers’ main chants were something about “Yeshua the bastard” and much more. (Rough for me to write…sorry)

People getting clothes and the passersby were shocked and by what they were seeing and hearing.

Just the other week, the Datim spat on the clothes and in a Russian Bible … now this!

Someone called the police, not us. As usual whatever the Datim are doing to us seems to be okay. Their main concern is - what did we do in return! Hmmm, I wonder if the cops would allow the Datim to blaspheme Mohammad every time they encountered a Bedouin.

Edwin Beckford
May 30, 2005