A Little Homework Assignment!

We’ve been on the Yad L’achim hit list for quiet some time now.

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Someone told me that my picture was posted and a contract placed on me by the JDL (Jewish Defense League) on their website http://jdl.org/ but the server provider took them off line before I personally got a chance to see it.

We also had some of the JDL Chaya Squad (the tough Jewish boys), Kach Chai, and Kahane Chai guys pay us a visit at the King’s Men. At least that’s who they claimed to be.

Now, I want you to do me a favor! Do a little research on the following: the Yad L’achim, the Jewish Defense League (JDL), the Kach Movement, the Jews for Judaism, Kach Chai, and Kahane Chai, the 'Kach' party.

This homework assignment should give you a broader perspective of what we are contending with.

If you dig deep enough, you will read about tire slashing, glue in door locks, fire bombings, telephone threats, demonstrations, beatings, murder, etc., etc., etc.

Many Christians and churches are unknowingly, directly or indirectly, giving these groups millions of dollars each year in their efforts of Blessing Israel and the Jewish people! I must admit these guys in the black outfits and mink hats all look and perhaps are Jewish. But the fact is, so are the Messianic believers, holocaust survivors, chess players, domino players, the bag lady, the drunks, the junkies and the homeless we interact with daily.

Please, plant your seeds in fertile ground!

Edwin Beckford
May 31, 2005

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