Successes of the Haredim in Arad:

Because of your harassment of the Messianic Community:

  1. You have succeeded in making our small children afraid of anyone dressed like a religious Jew – you are bad examples of Judaism.
  2. You have succeeded in turning a number of tourists against the Jewish people - you are bad representatives of our nation.
  3. You have succeeded in curtailing funds for a number of religious charities since people do not want to give to fanatics – you are bad for our economy.
  4. You have succeeded in turning a number of secular Jews against your “brand of religion” since you are very bad representatives of our Creator.
  5. You have succeeded in tying up the police department with your petty false claims against us. That makes you bad citizens (Oh, I forgot! Some of you are not even citizens of Israel!)
  6. You have succeeded in turning people against you because of your physical attacks and harassment of older citizens, the poor, and those who believe differently than you. That makes you bad examples of human beings.
  7. You have succeeded in inciting others to do violence, such as burning the chess club, and attempted murder on those inside. That makes you evil.
  8. You have succeeded in becoming the embodiment of the verses in Proverbs 6 with your threats, curses and slander against us.

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.”

There is much more but Jehovah sees it all, and vengeance and justice are HIS.

Is this really what you wanted? We hope not, but we forgive you anyway because Y’shua paid for all our sins, yours included.