May, 2007 – News from Arad, Israel – We are blessed!

Shalom Friends! So much has happened in the past few months, it is difficult to know where to start.

We just returned from the USA where we spoke in various Churches and Messianic Synagogues. We were concerned that persecution is a negative message, but we knew the Lord wanted us to speak about it. We tried to make the point that only a small percentage of Jews (Pharisees) are harassing believers, but they are persistent and have much influence here in Israel. It is the same spirit that harassed Y’shua when he walked the Land. We can expect to be treated no differently than our Master. Most believers received our report as a challenge to shake off the apathy and become active in the spreading of the faith. We were encouraged by the response.

We left Israel on March 8, soon after approximately 10 to 15 Haredim/Pharisees followed Eddie from the center of town to the marketplace. They tried to provoke him and at first he stayed inside our shop, but then they surrounded our van. Eddie tried to get in and drive away, but they prevented that. (It’s like being surrounded by a threatening gang of hoodlums.) So Eddie got out of the van and ended up in an altercation with them. The end result was that he was arrested and taken to jail. The Haredim took videos and only showed a small part of the video to the police (The Haredim have also put part of the video on the web.) Eddie spent one night in jail and the judge decided to ban him from Arad for 45 days. When I asked the police chief why he was charging Eddie instead of the Haredim, he answered that if Eddie wasn’t here, there would be no trouble. (The police fear for their jobs and are trying to protect themselves from the Haredim.)

The Lord worked it all out since we already had tickets to fly to the USA. The charges against him have since been dismissed, along with another case of false charges. Keep praying – we have to go to court again for other false charges.

The Haredim have also published in their paper (HaModiah) that I (Lura) brutally attacked the head Rabbi of Arad. In actuality, he knocked me off-balance in front of several policemen and I have it on video. They also published that Eddie tried to run over a number of orthodox Jews who were innocently crossing the street – also not true. The Lord sees all of this and will vindicate us and the other believers who are under attack.

We had no trouble returning to Israel, praise the Lord! Again, thank you for your prayers! We arrived and are grateful to Dennis, Betsy and Mike for holding down the fort here while we were gone. They were certainly the Lord’s provision and we thank Him for their sacrificial work! We are hearing good reports everywhere we go, of how responsible they were while here. They are good witnesses of the Lord’s love!

We have had a wedding, a court date, and a visit by six tourists since we returned, along with the ministry at the King’s Men Chess and Bible Shop, so we have had no time for jet lag!

Rockets are falling in Israel from the Gaza strip (over 130 since May 15)! The Israeli army is fighting back, so we are again/still at war. Several people have sent copies of articles of how the Hamas terrorist group is using Mickey Mouse to inspire children to become suicide bombers. We see this on TV here. Arafat was the first to use this cartoon character in this way and Hamas has simply reused the same old stuff. The Disney Corporation should sue them in the world court for using their copyrighted character in such an evil way.

The various factions of the Palestinians are at war with one another and the Lebanese army in Lebanon. Syria is behind the unrest. Meanwhile Hizbollah has rearmed itself and is stronger than ever. They are sitting on Israel northern border and we are expecting them to attack again after Lebanon expends its meager supply of weapons against the Palestinians. Then they will not be able to stop Hizbollah from attacking Israel this summer.

One of the chess players had a stroke at the chess shop after the Haredim came and harassed the players on a Monday market day. He died while we were in the US. We can’t help but think it was caused by the stress of the commotion and the noise of the Haredim. God knows. Many of the players are elderly and three have passed on this year. Pray for the salvation of the chess and domino players. They have all taken Bibles and books and we trust the Lord is ministering to them even when we cannot.

We have some wonderful news to share! 1. Pastor Afif and his wife, Mimi, from Nazareth, are helping us. They have stepped out in faith and are planting house churches, as well as, coming to Arad two or three times a month to work with the Bedouin Muslims. There is now a Bible study with the Bedouins and soon there will be an Arabic-speaking church here. There are some exciting things happening here among the Bedouins. 2. Shimon and his wife, Svetlana, are the leaders of the Russian congregation here in Arad. They try to help at the chess and Bible Shop, but he drives a long-distance taxi to support his family. The Haredim regularly cut his tires, so it is difficult. We would like to see him fully supported from outside the country so he does not have to deal with that, plus he will have more time to help us with the ministry. 3. Rebekah Frei, born into an orthodox family here in Israel, and a vibrant witness for the Lord. A widow with a young daughter, she was just married this month, so now we have a new family of three. She is very involved with the chess ministry and other ventures, which you will hear about in future letters. We will also introduce you to her new husband; the Lord has used him to speak to a few of the Haredim.

All three couples need support – all three are beautiful spirit-led believers and are very open about their faith in Y’shua.

Please remember all of us in your prayers. We are also collecting funds for legal defense. Shimon has false charges against him and needs to go to court, too.

There are a number of other prayer needs also (We need some miracles and the Lord is very capable!) :
Our rent has just risen to $700/month, plus taxes, etc. – this is a big jump ($100) for us. We need to get serious about buying a house. It is very difficult and expensive to move every year or so. We also have an wonderful opportunity to expand the ministry – I cannot say more about it at this time.

We are happy to host individuals or small groups who come to work here in Arad and to minister. Please email us for details. Tourists can be used greatly by the Lord! The Lord bless you as you serve Y’shua joyfully! Come visit us! In the Service of the King,

Lura and Eddie Beckford

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