New Law – Entrapment Backfires!

When we first opened the Storefront we began putting our books on tables out front! Within a week the city (or was it the Datim) got busy passing a ‘new law’ in Arad prohibiting shops from displaying their wares outside their shops; display windows ok, but nothing on the outside.

Although we never actually saw a copy of this law, on the day it allegedly went into effect we pulled our tables. That same day a couple of plainclothes men stopped by our place, and Datim walked by…I’m sure all with hidden cameras. Nothing; they couldn’t find anything (smile)!

Well, this new law directly and adversely affects many many merchants who are now all up in arms! In essence, this plan of entrapment has backfired big time.

Exhibit #1 - (Hatzvi, 6/4/04, front page)

Exhibit #2 - (Hatzvi, 6/4/04, pg 10)

Between the time we opened and the time they could get this law in effect, we had given out hundreds of Bibles and books. Within that small timeframe, we became established as a Christian connection or point of contact. Prior to the Storefront, a Christian in Arad was hard to find unless you knew a friend, who knew a friend, who knew a friend.

Edwin Beckford

For His Name & His Glory, Eddie & Lura Maiman Beckford, Congregation Yeruel, Arad, Israel.
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