Open letter to the mayor of city Arad, Moti Brill


Chess and Haredim


During last years chess players of the city of Arad have been in lamentable condition. Chess has been reduced to the level of dominos, lotto, and nard. No chess club spaces have been offered by the mayor’s office except those, which are located in basements and do not meet basic sanitary standards. Sport department (Ch. Danciger) absolutely refused to organize any chess competition in spite of the mayor’s office resolution from 11.13.01. (in the resolution it is stated, “Chess is a sport. The competition needs be financed.”) so in this way the chess team of Arad is formed, not according to sports principles, but randomly by someone by the name of D. Necer who is a protégé of Ch. Danciger. It is not a surprise that such a team could not rise above the lowest league (“gimel”). It explains why the strongest chess players of the city (masters, masters’ candidates) have to play on teams of other cities of the country. There is no need to prove that chess has an impact on the level of culture and intellect; that is why chess is implemented in primary school.


A few months ago, Eddie Beckford, chess fan (citizen of USA) rented space at his own expense and without taking any advantage, bought chess equipment and offered chess players an opportunity to play in chess everyday. With his help were conducted companion games with teams from Ofakim and Dimona. There is a plan to have several other competitions. However, the local Orthodox hinder the realization of it. The matter is that Eddie is a Christian. And all his charity activities are understood [took up] and interpreted [offered] by Haredim as missionary activities. In the same time the Orthodox “In the name of the Lord” violate laws of Israel, under connivance of police and the mayor’s office. It is scary to live in a place where people rule but not the laws. If the Orthodox would win in this confrontation, everything would go back to the situation that was at the beginning and chess players would again be offered spaces in basements. Our petition to higher instances did not bring positive results so far.


We believe that wisdom, justice, and law in Arad will win.