From : 

Dr. Moty Brill <>

Sent : 

Friday, June 18, 2004 5:34:31 PM

To : 

"Edwin Beckford" <>

Subject : 

RE: Ongoing persecution of Christians and Messianic Jews in Arad Israel.


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Dear Sir
The only solution to your letter is the police.
If they say that the Datiim are only demonstrating this is the case.
The municipality is not in power to deal with law breaking and it is
my ability to help.
Sorry about that
ד"ר מוטי בריל
  ראש העיר ערד
-----Original Message-----
From: Edwin Beckford []
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 2:42 PM
Subject: Ongoing persecution of Christians and Messianic Jews in Arad
Dear Sir,
Upon waking up June 11, 2004 I found paint splattered all over our van,
the sidewalk in front of our house, and on our stone wall.
The police allow people to loiter in front of our house all times of day
night.  They say they're not loitering, they're not stalking us, they
just demonstrating.
These so call demonstrators harass us around the clock, working shifts.
Whenever they think no ones looking, not at home, or sound asleep they
tampering with things: letting air out tires, bending wiper blades,
scratching paint, etc.
When reporting these things, we're asked "Did you actually see them do
If our answer is "no" or "how could we?"  No report is even written.
For some reason they decided to write a report this time, perhaps
I've began e-mailing lots of pictures and stuff to Fox News, CNN, N.Y.
News, Newsday, local papers, and hundreds churches and Christians all
the world.
Yesterday, I was informed that there's a Yad L'Achim hit man in town.
Maybe someone wants to shut my big mouth; to keep me from blowing the
whistle (smile).
After we cleaned most of the paint off the van 2 Datim showed up, with
cheese eating grins on their faces, (literarily rubbing our nose in the
paint) and carrying signs.  They stayed a couple of hours and were
by a second shift.