An Old News Clipping

I found an old newspaper clipping. Must have been written around the 18th of April, 2004 the week or so after Datim reinforcements were bused in from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to terrorize and intimidate us.

Don’t know why I didn’t post it? Perhaps because it is filled with so many lies (see footnotes)!

Nevertheless, the article gives you an overview of what we are dealing with. Over a year since this article was written and we are still holding down the fort! We are indeed encircled round-about.

Soon it will be the “Feast of Tabernacle” and thousands of Christians from around the world will be in Jerusalem, celebrating and standing in solidarity with their Jewish Brothers, the annual parade, music, songs and dance … while we in Arad, virtually unbeknown, continue in our struggle.

The buck seems to stop at Jerusalem! Arad who?

If you’ve ever been to Jerusalem, you’ve seen lots of different churches plus monks, nuns, Greek orthodox, etc. walking around. But if you ever visit the other cities and towns it’s totally different! Arad is a typical Jewish city. No churches, no mosques…only synagogues. And if you are a priest, nun, monk, etc…you better not be seen walking around in the attire. If you’re a Christian or Messianic Jew you better not let your light shine. You better keep it under a bushel basket or else face the consequences.

1. Caption under picture implies it was taken in front of coffee shop, when in fact it was taken at Polly’s (widow with 9 children) house - see April 11, 2004.
2. They are trying to make it sound like the whole city of Arad is against us. When in fact, the only residents of Arad present were the Datim along with outsiders bused in from Jerusalem & Tel Aviv!
3. Please do a search on “Yad L’Achim”
4. We recently discovered that the April 11, 2004 so called demonstration was illegal, yet as you can see in the photo the police blockages. We have about as much of a chance finding justice in Arad as a Jew filing a complaint with the Nazi SS back in the day.
5. There’s never been a mob over 70 at the storefront, and that hasn’t been until recently. Once again they’re playing on the picture taken at Polly’s (the group photo) and exploiting it!
6. Everyone entering the storefront is not given a newsletter!
7. Wickedness in high places!
8. Using a PA system (bullhorn).
9. No passersby. Polly lives at the end of a dead-end street.
10. Over a year ago and we are still here! Praise the Lord!

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Edwin Beckford
June 4, 2005