Another Day At The Marketplace!

Market Day – the Datim were waiting for me when I arrived at the storefront, then they began their yelling and screaming. Once again, I didn’t call the police, someone else did. As you can see from past events, not much point in us calling them?

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After opening, I kept smelling something burning! About an hour later (because I was distracted by all the yelling, and was putting used clothes out) I noticed that my Arad friend’s shop located behind us was torched during the night or early morning.

Gee, this is the 2nd Bedouin businessman befriending us that this has happened to.

Anyone having anything to do with Yeshua (Jesus) is hated by these extremist groups. Just when the merchants in the area were beginning to bond with us in a form of solidarity, one of their shops gets burned to the ground.

This could have been the handiwork of the JDL who hate and want all native-born Arabs driven out of the land. Or, the Yad L’achim sending a message and warning to the other shopkeepers: “First we asked you, now we’re telling you!” “Stay away from those Christians.” Or, if my friend had converted from Islam to Christianity, fellow Arabs could very well be the suspects, but that wasn’t the case; he’s currently still a Muslim.

In the states, I’d imagine the cops would have roped the area off, police and fire inspectors would be on the scene, etc. But here they did none of this for the poor guy! The dude lost everything and the only cops I’ve seen all day were the ones at our place.

I thought it was rough being a Christian in a Jewish state, but Arabs seem to catch it too. Many, many citizens of Israel are fond of Americans, giving us credit and appreciation for being one of Israel’s only friends. But how many people here feel that way about the Arabs?

Stuff that you find in our website is usually not mentioned or swept under the rug. Some may view this as mud slinging, bashing, or digging up dirt! But what I’m giving you are the facts, the truth, current events, blow-by-blow reports straight from the trenches!

This stuff is never mentioned because no one wants to fuel anti-Semitism. In essence what we have here is a small segment of the Jewish population. Like in any society you have extremists and radicals.

I found myself thinking out loud “There goes another one of them!” whenever I saw a Dati walking along a street…and had to quickly get that mindset straight with God! Bottom line, these guys are so very lost, that you can’t help but be full of compassion for them. We are really finding ourselves fervently asking God to forgive them for they know not what they do!

In all sincerity, these guys don’t even know us! It’s who we believe in, that they hate: Yeshua HaMeshiach (Jesus the Messiah).

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Edwin Beckford
June 6, 2005