Caution - Beware of Pit!

Every time God does something ‘Big’ in Arad satan gets his panties in an uproar, retaliates, and we catch the blunt of his wrath.

The latest incident was on June 3rd when a mob of 60 something Datim was unleashed on our little birthday / fellowship dinner. What seemingly triggered this reaction was that a 200 member Christian choir from Holland just performed a concert in Arad the day before.

On Thursday June 9th (last night) the choir story made front page of our local paper. As a result, when I went to open the storefront today, I found glue in the lock!

We even caught hell, way over here, when Mel Gibson made a movie called ‘The Passion’ (smile); and also when Bush was reelected president of the U.S.

The past few times when they glued our locks, I simply reported it to the police, cut and replaced them, opened on time...and the chess players hardly knew what happened. But this time I waited until about 12 of the guys showed up, before cutting the lock! In other words – this time I informed ‘the people’ and not the police!

Arad in comprised of approximately 33,000 residents: 66% Russian secular Jews (21,780)
27.6% Other secular Jews (9,120)
6.1% Datim (2,000)
.3% Believers (100 of which 4 families are constant targets)

Lura and I were once told “there are two thousand of us against you two” (smile).

As the word keeps getting out about what the Datim are doing to us, we are getting more and more favor among the Russian and other secular. The 2,000 Datim against the 100 Believers table is turning! Everyday more people are siding with us, the 100. If this trend continues, the 2,000 Datim will find themselves faced against 31,000.

People are choosing sides! You can see this in the petitions, letters to the mayor, daily attendance at the storefront, etc, etc.

The pit the Datim are digging is encompasssing them roundabout!

If you're led to make a money contribution, please make your check out to:

Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship (MHCF)
2792 N. Cherry La., Ronks, PA 17572, USA
(Please mark check Charity/Israel).
If you prefer, you may use your credit card or make a bank-to-bank transfer with PayPal (a small administrative fee will be deducted by Paypal).

Edwin Beckford
June 10, 2005