Hi every body,


We hope everything is well with you.

We wanted to fill you in on the latest things that have been going on. Things are getting hot here.


Friday, June 17th

For those of you who don't know yet, there was a big demonstration of 300-400 Goors infront of the chess club on Friday, authorized by the police and "covered" by 4-5 policemen. 

At the time, there were only about 15-20 believers, that gathered for a Friday night meal together, AFTER the Shabet came in, in order to avoid the religious. It didn't help.

Eddie Beckford was threatend by the Goors that they will get him out of Arad, even in a coffin.


Saturday, 18th of June 

Mendel came over the next day, Shabat, shouting his usual stuff. He was spat upon 3 times by one of the chess players. He walked away with his head down, NOT wiping the spittle off his cheeks. I don't know what he told his friends, but two days later, on market day, they were ready for Eddie.


Monday, 20th June

As Eddie and another believer approached the chess club, the couple of Goors that were there ran toward him, and caught him by his hands. It became rather physical. One of the Goors got hurt. Eddie, seeing what happened, immediately left to the police station to report  what happened. The Goor that got hurt, went into the chess club while Eddie was at the police station, turned tables ever, threw books, coffee, and everything else on the floor. He went absolutely wild with his hatred and anger. There was nothing for the other believer to do, except call for help. 


The result: Eddie is band from the chess club for a week, and Friday night gatherings at the market are prohibited until further notice. Can you believe it? Instead of preventing these wild demonstrations and toning down the manisfestation of hatred, they found an easy way out!

These Friday night meals were inteneded for the homeless in Arad, and for a chance for the non-believers to meet believers in a very casual way. Well, the Goors found out about those pleasent breezy evenings about four weeks ago, and organized bus loads of their friends from outside Arad to come and join them in their fight.   



-  The demonstration, like all the other aggressive demonstrations against the believers in Arad, are authorised

by the local police.

-  The big demonstration at the market place was covered by 4-5 poilcemen.

- The Ynet internate reporter that called the police in Arad, to get some information, was told there are

 15 demonstraters outside the chess club.

- All these demostration are excused and authorized in the name of democracy.


More details

The Goor person that got hurt on Monday is the same person that shouted at me the week before, in a very loud and aggressive demonstration infront of our house, that I'm a DIRTY JEW, that I should devorce my husband, because he is a "Goy" - a gentile, a christian and unclean. That demonstration started at 20:30, the kids were all in pyjamas, ready to go to bed, when 5-6 Goors (and he was among them), shouted into our blinds "Notrim - hachutza!!"

(Christians - out!). He shouted so loudly, his voice broke at one point.


He is the one that told Yakim that he defiled a whole generation of Jews by marrying me. He is the one that shouted at me that my kids are defected, because their father is a dirty christian.

And he is also the one that shouted at us one market day, running into us by chance while buying our vegetables and fruit, to get out of the market, as though he owns it, thinking that every one will join him, like his friends do. Thank God, people stood by our side (after recovering from the initial shock), even when he shouted that Yakim is the most dangerous person in Arad, and it's the right of the public to know. "And this", pointing at me, "is Debbie Figueras, his wife! She is a Jew, and she married a GOY!!!!!"


That's it folks. God bless, and thanks for your prayers.


Debbie Figueras.