Another Brother's Eyewitness Update!

Dear Folks, Shalom!

Time for another update on this week's doings in Arad, Israel. I am sending this out to you who I believe would want to know how to pray for us as well as share the prayer burden with others. However, if you you would rather not receive these updates, please let me know. Thanks.

Thanks also to those who have written and told me you are standing with makes a difference...just look...

BEFORE I TELL YOU ABOUT FRIDAY NIGHT, I WANT TO TELL YOU SOME OTHER THINGS THAT HAPPENED THIS WEEK...This week saw the conflict take a different turn...The first incident happened early in the week. E*, the owner of our chess club at the market, was approached by two Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox) as he was getting out of his car near the Club. Suddenly, one of them grabbed E* by the arm. E*, being a Vietnam vet who was trained to defend himself, in self-defense punched this fellow in the face and the attacker started to bleed. After E* realized what had just happened, he went right to the police and reported it all. Meanwhile, the attacker, still with blood on his face, decided it was OK to enter the chess club and start throwing down and destroying everything he could find, chairs, tables, coffee cups, books, etc. There was another one of our guys inside the club at the time, but he wasn't able to do anything before the attacker had finished his deed...

The final result was that E* had to go to jail...but, as sometimes is the case here in Israel, a not-so-equitable compromise was agreed upon. The compromise? E* wouldn't have to go to jail if he just signed a paper that said he wouldn't go near the Chess Club for two weeks. It's HIS place, and HE is not allowed to go near it for two weeks. Neither is his attacker, but that doesn't stop other Religious from coming and disturbing the peace and welfare of the Chess and Domino players that come every day. Anyway, he finally signed the paper, and that's the situation now.

The domino and chess players, meanwhile, most who are retired Russian immigrants who are extremely grateful to E* for the place to play and see each other, have signed a petition telling the police and others that they are fed up with these Religious and their actions, and in defense of E* and our chess club. They are currently looking into who else to present it to! (Maybe the media?!) It's great to see how much they are on our side. They are also the ones who are terribly effected by this outrageous behavior by these Religious extremists.

The Religious have also been very active in other places besides the chess club. They have been standing outside the building where our congregation meets during Shabbat services and Bible Studies, shouting "Missionaries Go Home". They have also done the same thing in front of our Pastor's house and other people's houses. The police sometimes come by and stop them, but it kind of looks like the police are in on it too the way they conduct themselves.

"SO WHAT ABOUT FRIDAY NIGHT?" you might ask... Well, that's the interesting part of the story. When E* was in the Police Station for his altercation, the Policeman who was interrogating him let it slip that this Religious group were planning another big demonstration against us on Friday night. So, we were ready for them...

The Police came earlier on Friday to rope off the area that the Religious were not able to go past, and lo and behold, it was even closer to the doors than the last time...but that didn't stop us from...

NOT BEING THERE!!! Because of the Police leaking the information of the demonstration, we were able to make other plans to take our Friday night dinner outside of town, far from the taunts and insults of the Religious. As far as we know, they again amassed busloads of hundreds of Haredim to come in from other cities to demonstrate against us, and we, SIMPLY...WERE NOT THERE!!!

They got the police ready for the big night, roped off the area, called in reinforcements against us, and lo and behold, FALSE ALARM!!! I wonder if the police were a bit peeved because of being called out to "protect them from us" needlessly!!!

So there you have it! Thanks for your prayers. One of the things we have been praying for is that they will Mitbayesh (be ashamed) for their actions, besides coming to know the Lord. This could have been an answer to that prayer, at least in some of the guys. Of course, this is a temporary solution, and we have no idea what next week will bring, but keep praying! It's an on-going war. They are probably really upset at us and will try other tactics...I'll keep you posted.

Keep in touch. If the Lord shows you something as you are praying, please share it with us. Thanks for those who have already written to encourage us. Again, if you would like to see other testamonies and pictures of what's happening, please go to this site... Then scroll down to...Praise & Persecution Reports


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Edwin Beckford
June 26, 2005