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The small, Negev community of Arad, home to a number of Messianic Jews, has, once again, been the site of continued persecution for the believers who this past Friday night were targeted by hundreds of orthodox Jews who planned an organized demonstration, hurling curses, slander and insult coupled with threats to "do to them what was done to Yeshua (Jesus)" as well as carrying them out of town in coffins.

While police and a couple of armed soldiers kept the angry group at bay, the believers sang and prayed through their Shabbat evening meal. Due to the hostility outside, a few unbelievers who had been invited to share the meal were turned away and unable to enter the house.

This sort of persecution is not new to the Messianic Jews of Arad who, in the past couple of years, have experienced, at the hands of ultra-Orthodox, (this time, Hassidei Gur sect) tremendous harassment and physical threats to them with little or no sympathy from local authorities.

Lura and her husband Eddie, both senior citizens, desiring to be a blessing to other retirees, opened up a chess and book shop in Arad called The King's Men where they provided a meeting place that is now frequented by some 30-50 Israelis each day who come to play chess, dominos and other games ? somewhat of a way of life for many Israeli retired men.
There, they give Bibles and books away for free as well as second-hand clothing (also free for the taking). This club has ignited much controversy in this community, and the orthodox have set out on a mission to rid the community of what they describe to be "Christian missionary activity."

Nonetheless, the club was and continues to be a source of desired activity for those who benefit from it and offers both a place to meet and inspiring friendship for many of Arad?s senior citizens who, before this, had no other place to congregate.
Since the Hassidei Gur have decided to make
Arad their third largest center of population, they constantly vandalize and picket the homes of believers and especially the King's Men Shop. Rabbis in the town have taken it upon themselves to speak to businessmen, encouraging them not to hire believers and to fire any already working for them.

They have also met with landlords and, in one case, succeeded in convincing one of them to evict a believing family from their home. In this last incident, the numbers of demonstrators increased as people were bused in from
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Yet, the one positive aspect, in the midst of this upsetting situation, is that all of this hostility has actually brought the community together in a much closer way. Many unbelievers in the community, although frightened, are supportive of the believers and see the intimidation and hostility of the orthodox as ungodly and unloving, so there is a real exposure of the truth in all of this. Lura and Eddie are asking for your prayers, and their request is as follows: