A man shall live by his faith?

The Haredi sector in Arad continues their stubborn struggle against the Messianics (The Missionaries),
and demonstrates outside their homes.

The members of the Haredi sector try to protest against the Messianic community in Arad by any means possible. Last Tuesday, a group of religious men were heard shouting loudly towards a building on Ben Yair St. where a Messianic woman lives. Their shouts expressed firm objection to her faith. While they mentioned Hitler and the Messianics in the same breath, and yelled towards her window, the woman must have called the police, who arrived a few minutes later and dispersed the gathering. One of the protestors took the time to explain to the few residents who gathered around why they were there, and to clarify that they all served in the army. He also mentioned the woman's name to them. The Police report that such group expressions of rage are made repeatedly in Arad by religious people, who stand outside the Messianic's homes regularly and protest against them, as well as act whenever Messianic material is being distributed.

Translated by Rebekah
June 7, 2007