"Who would have believed?"

This is a movie produced by a 12th grade Communication major student, who bravely decided to touch the most sensitive issue in Arad – the Messianic community and how they cope with the Haredi sector.

Who would have believed that a 12th grade Community major student would have the courage to be exposed, or more importantly – to expose the truth behind the Messianic community in Arad? The idea behind Ketty's movie is to present the true character of the Messianic community, who, according to Ketty, lives under constant threat from the Haredim, something which has been apparent more than once through violent frictions in Arad. "The demonstrations against the Messianics went out of control and became somewhat violent."

Ketty explains why, in her opinion, this hostility is unfounded. "We don't try to convert anyone to Christianity, or to baptize anyone. We even continue to define ourselves as Jews. We, or at least I, don't try to influence anyone with our opinion. If someone takes an interest and wants to know more about my faith, he will come and ask and learn – coming from him, not from me."

Indeed, this isn't the first year that a Communication major student has chosen to show courage and to document such sensitive issues… But this time everyone agreed that the movie was exceptional and moving…

"I learned about teamwork and about keeping my expectations low. There were times when I wanted to give up and quit making the movie, but I thought that someone had to take a step forward and bring the issue to the public awareness," says Ketty, who produced the movie about the Messianic community in Arad and about her life as a believer. "A John Doe called me while I was making the movie and threatened me, saying that if I came to school the next day, something terrible would happen to me, but the next day I went to school and nothing happened. But usually, the threats were much worse."

The 16 minute long movie portrays the character of the Messianic community in a documentary way, so one can see different fragments of life interwoven.



Translated by Rebekah
June 7, 2007