The Beer Sheva Trial June11, 2009 (Report by Arni Klien, Emmaus Way in Nes Harim)

Dear Praying Friends, We left home around 6:30 AM Wednesday and headed for the courthouse in Beer Sheva.  The trial was scheduled to begin sometime shortly after 9 AM.  The building opened at 8 and the courtroom at 8:30.  There were only about twenty seats available so we wanted to be sure to get in. Most of the seats were taken by believing friends.  At around 9:45 a crowd of the Rabbi’s followers came, but there was no room for them.  Regardless of the outcome, we recognize this as being a historic moment that will most definitely make a difference.  It’s not every day that the Chief Rabbi of a major city in Israel is put on trial by Messianic Jews. 

We (Yonit and I) felt so blessed and honored to have been able to be part of the events of the day.  And we want to say right up front how proud we are of our brethren – Nahalat Yeshua congregational leaders Howard and Randi Bass and their lawyers Marvin Kramer and Kevork Nalbandian -- that have taken a position at the head of this battle.  They have counted the considerable cost, prayed much, and prepared well.  What they are doing is on behalf of the whole Body of Messiah in Israel and the nations, to the end that the revelation of the glory of God in Yeshua would be seen by those yet blinded by the prince of this world. 

Here are some of the details that have not appeared in the recent e-mails speaking about the case. In 2005, on Shabbat, December 24th, two young ladies were scheduled to be immersed in water as part of the regular weekly congregational gathering.  The “anti-missionary” organization Yad L’Achim became aware of it, informed the Chief Sephardi Rabbi of Beer Sheva, Yehuda Deri, that there was to be a mass baptism of Jews and ten tour buses full of people were coming to participate. Rabbi Deri passed the information to eight other Rabbis in Beer Sheva.  As a result, around 400-500 haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) descended on the Beer Sheva congregation.  They destroyed property, accosted several of the believers, and even fought with a number of the 70 policemen that came to quell the riot.  Amazingly, amazingly the judge declared that the fact that "a very serious and terrible incident" occurred was an indisputable fact.  This in itself is a victory. 

Verbal statements and signed depositions by Deri and the Yad L’Achim spokesman even further establish these facts.  In reality they do not need to be proven.  What the lawyers must do at the next session on June 21 is prove that Rabbi Deri (personally) and Yad L'Achim are linked to this “very serious incident” and are essentially responsible for the riot and consequently liable for the damages. 

The defendant’s (Deri’s) defense is simply that “it is inconceivable for the Chief Rabbi of Beer Sheva to be involved in such a thing.” 

Let’s take a lesson from the Ami Ortiz case.  There we had a clear instance of attempted murder…over a year ago.  Though the police have actual pictures of the person that placed the bomb at the door to the Ortiz apartment, they have yet to bring in one suspect.  It is known that the perpetrator is part of the Orthodox community.  Without going into detail, we know that the order to place the bomb came from a highly-placed person in the community who apparently has enough clout to have thus far kept the investigation at a standstill.  In that light, consider that we are dealing with the Chief Rabbi of a major city, who happens to be the brother of Aryeh Deri, the former head of the Shas party (that controls the Ministry of the Interior), who himself just spent time in prison for fraud.  So as you pray, consider the kind of pressure the judge Iddo Ruzin might be experiencing and pray for him.  (Incidentally, Israel does not have a jury system, so the decision rests entirely with the judge.  It was quite an experience sitting in the courtroom, aware that the judge was as God…there was no recourse when he gave his final word at any point.  In our Supreme Court, there are only three judges.  After their word, there is no earthly appeal.  This system invites corruption—a side note to pray about.) 

A very interesting thing happened yesterday when the defendant’s lawyer was cross-examining Howard Bass, who is essentially the plaintiff in the case.   All of a sudden, in the middle of the interrogation, the lawyer seemed confused and unable to formulate any more questions.  Our lawyers asked Howard hours of questions in their preparation exercises, so there was no lack of things to ask.  But something happened in the spirit.  We were amazed.  Pray for confusion to continue to overtake the minds of the defendant’s lawyers so that they cannot formulate lies.  Their case is to assert that though Rabbi Deri was there, he had nothing to do with what happened.  Notwithstanding the fact that he came in the latter part of the protest, and admitted disseminating the information about what was to take place, he is claiming that he called for a prayer gathering and not a protest.  Beloved, his lawyers have got to know that he is lying.  Cover-up and denial to save face has long been a regular part of the Israeli political scene. 

There is another fact you need to be aware of.  Marvin Kramer, the chief counsel for the plaintiff (the Messianics), began receiving threats even before the case was actually filed.  He does not consider them to be empty words designed to just scare him off.   Remember the bomb delivered to the Ortiz family.  Pray for Marvin and Kevork and their families, as well as their law offices. 

There is a tape of a radio interview Rabbi Deri gave the day after the riot.  It is very incriminating!  The judge needs to issue a court order for the tape to be released.  This is a major point.  Pray that this tape will be entered in as evidence. 

Our lawyers will ask to be able to cross-examine Yad L’Achim’s spokesman as a hostile witness.  Pray this be granted.  (We believe that this person’s name is Alex Artrovski.) 

Our lawyers’ cross-examination of Deri and Atrovski will of a certainty do great damage to their case.  Pray that their lawyers will not be able to undo or cover over what is brought to light. 

Pray that the Judge Iddo Ruzin will have the clarity and boldness to render a just decision. 

The outcome of this case will have ramifications in the spiritual realm that will have repercussions in the natural realm.  If human agents of the kingdom of darkness are judged, the power and ability of the spirits behind them to function will be affected.  The people on trial are heavyweights.  Consequently, the spirits working through them would necessarily be of consequence and influence.  Consider where this is taking place.  Beer Sheva is the city of the Patriarchs.  Its spiritual roots and wells are the very foundation of our identity as a people.   We could say that perhaps the greatest problem we have (as a people), which has caused us to be and do what we have been and done throughout history to this very day, comes from our being disconnected from Abraham, the father of our faith.  Of all places, Beer Sheva is his city. 

Furthermore, in 1917 Beer Sheva was the site of a battle that marked the end of Turkish rule over the Land, paving the way for the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. If a principal earthly authority standing against truth is bound on earth, so will the spiritual authority be bound in heaven.  When this takes place, knowing the historical spiritual significance surrounding Beer Sheva, it is not a far stretch to expect that this will release a wave of light and revelation to our people along with a commensurate blessing on the believing community in the nations (the church). 

So dear beloved friends, do not be silent.  Make your voices, petitions, intercessions, prayers, and praises heard in the spirit realm!   If what you’ve read here makes sense to you, don’t hold back.  In whatever way you are able, give yourself to this battle.  Feel free to forward this letter to everyone you know that has a heart for God’s heart and the salvation of Israel.  Fast and pray…now and especially on the 20th and 21st of June. 

Howard and Randi and the lawyers are not necessarily praying to win the case at this juncture.  (Although it would be nice to have this all behind us).  We are praying that God would be glorified, that the truth would be made known, that the hidden things in men’s hearts would be revealed, and that this case would fulfill its purpose in God’s plan in preparing the way for Yeshua’s return. 

May the Holy Spirit allow us to see what our Father in Heaven is doing and give us the grace and strength to manifest His will on earth.  It’s a great day to be alive. 

May God bless you from Zion