Eddie mail: Thinking sometimes gets me in trouble!

1. The pope came to Israel, Obama came to Israel… what if it was announced that “Jesus was coming to Israel for a week” Israel, the land of milk and honey, the promisd land, the city of God, maybe even Arad. How would he be greeted and treated by the Pharisees? What if the Sanhedrin were back in full swing and He was brought before them? What would their verdict be if they had a second chance, a chance to do things all over again?

2. Is it possible for a Pastor or even an average Believer, if given an open book exam using the New Testament and a cash award of $100,000.00 for finding the correct answer, could he or she answer the question: “Who’s a Jew according to the word of God?” Hmmm… wouldn’t that make for an interesting and educational Adult Bible School lesson/topic? Say, if any of you come up with an answer, I’d like to see it. Hint: Read Romans 2:28-29

Just wondering and pondering, Eddie