June, 2009

Shalom Friends and Family!

1. We are still on house arrest. (In July, it will be 1 and ½ years)

2. We are still in God’s good graces. Hallelujah!

3. We are still counting our blessings – there are many!

4. Our circumstances do not determine our happiness!

5. Praise the Lord! He is in charge and it is a privilege to work for him.  Y’shua LIVES!

Because you asked:

Details of the city’s court case against us:

Basically the charges against us are because of putting tables outside for the guys to play chess.  We did this for years (with the Mayor’s permission) and it was fine until the Haredim came along and began harassing the chess players, etc.  The other people in the marketplace also put tables outside, but we are the only ones being fined for doing so.

Now we have a new government-appointed Mayor, who has been avoiding meeting with us.  The city has found a convenient solution to keep us inside the Chess & Bible Shop.  The problem is that so many people come and it is impossible to fit them all in the shop. The men are nervous because the Haredim already threw Molotov cocktails at the shop and poured gasoline around the doors and lit it.  The men much prefer to play in the open air for those reasons, plus the mild winters in Arad and it is healthier outdoors .  So, with that background, we were taken to court because of the tables.

The Israeli court system is a piece of work and that is not good.  It turns out that they had a trial and convicted us last year, when we were out of the country and doubled the fines.  We had no clue and neither did our lawyer. We were amazed to find that out.

  So the trial on June 16 was more of the same.  We ended up doing a counter-offer.  I offered to pay for three of the fines at the original price out of 11.  They agreed to dismiss the case in which we were convicted last year when we were out of the country and to dismiss the other fines, IF I signed a guarantee that if anyone put a table outside at the chess club that I would pay 10,000 shekels to the court.  I pointed out that they could write more fines if that happened and also the fact that since we are on house arrest, we are unable to oversee the club.  No matter.  That was the deal, so I signed it.  I paid 1290 shekels for the fines.  Our lawyer asked if the “Amuta” can be held responsible instead of us & the Judge agreed.  So there is no conviction on our names, however our Amuta (non-profit charitable organization) has been fined.

I was exhausted after that -- we took the Russian Chess players with us to court and that was another story.  It was good they were there- good witness to the court. The Judge was surprised that so many showed up to lend support.  The Arad city official wound up translating much of the court proceedings to the Russians and he became so overwhelmed by their feelings for Eddie, that he finally told us that he did not want to be there. One holocaust survivor began to cry and when the official asked him why, he replied, “Because of how they are treating Eddie.”

This is another example of blaming the victim for the crime.  The Haredim have harassed and complained about the Chess Club so much that the city felt pressured to do something about it.  Instead of telling the Haredim to stop their illegal actions, they moved against the club and wound up hurting and oppressing the senior citizens of Arad .

The police openly tell us that it is our fault that we are being persecuted.  “If we were not Christians, we wouldn’t be persecuted.”  That logic is flawed. Is it true that Jews wouldn’t be targeted by the Nazis if they weren’t Jewish?  Does that make it right for the Nazis to do what they did?  Of course not.  But somehow, that rationality is missing in Israel today.

Please continue to pray for salvation for the Jewish people.

Pray that we may find a better place for the Chess and Bible Shop where the men can sit outside safely – we have been looking for a place big enough for at least 50 people per day. 

Pray for our housing situation; we really don’t want to move again.

Pray for our support to be maintained since we have changed our status from MHCF to Jewish Outreach International.

Pray for our next court dates – We are awaiting court dates for three more false charges.  Pray for the Lord to either put an end to these things or give us the grace to go through them as a witness to the unsaved.

As always, we thank you for standing with us and we thank God for you!  We bless you in the Name of Y’shua!

 Lura and Eddie

Arad , Israel