Love Letters (excerpts)

Dear Loved Ones, I know I can't even imagine what you are going through. The Christians here in the US (including me) are so spoiled and we have no clue. I thinks things are coming here in the near future and it will be a rude awakening for many. I think many will fall when hard time comes. Nancy and I need to get our passports so we can travel and see what is going on. Blessings, Geary
Eddie and Lura - it's outrageous and sickening to see what they're doing, but we praise God for your witness and spirit despite the nastiness, lies and baloney that you have to endure. Just a note of encouragement - we distributed a good number of Russian Messianic newspapers all over the place, and your story, of course, is front and center, so I'm sure many more people in the Russian Jewish community are becoming aware of the injustices in Arad. Love and brahkot in Him, Jim
Hang in there guys - it has got to get better - great article in last Thursday J Post by the pastor in Beersheva and today I saw that the high court told the religious that the Ashkelon bakery is kosher so there is progress!! love Hazel