(An excerpt from e-mail sent July 16, 2005)
To hear the Bible Voice Broadcasting interview:
Click Here! 10-Jul-2005 / Persecution




I went to Arad because the Believers are under heavy persecution there.

This town is situated next to Beer Sheva in the Negav Desert.  (Negev =



I attended a prayer meeting where I learned that Ultra Orthodox Jews are attacking Messianic (Believing) Jews. We were shown a poster with Believers pictures and a caption that said something like: "Dangerous, beware...Missionaries".  Even a 12 year old Believer was included on the poster. 


Other attacks have included rocks being thrown at them and their windows in the early morning hours, death threats, vandalism, etc. 


We prayed hard for the salvation of these people and protection for the Believers.  I felt like I slipped back in time living in the book of

Acts and began to get an understanding of the thoughts and emotions the

People must have felt back then.


The next day I went to a couple who run a 'Chess Club' in a little Building downtown.  They invite Jewish people to participate and welcome the homeless.  They feed and clothe them as well as present hope.  They have Christian books, literature and Bibles available for the people to take.


On Friday nights they have a soup kitchen and many people are fed & nourished in more ways than one. 


They told me that a couple of weeks ago around 300 Ultra Orthodox Jewish men paid their soup kitchen a visit.  They surrounded the people and began to intimidate them.  They came and vandalized the shop, went in and threw over shelves breaking things, ripping things, etc. 


I interviewed the owners of this chess club and you can hear the audio report at: www.biblevoice.org   For those who don't know, I am broadcasting weekly (hopefully) Updates concerning Israel.  When you go to the site, select 'Broadcaster' Go to 'Cheryl' Region = Middle East and you should be there.  The reports are normally less than five minutes, but this last one is a bit longer.


These Christian brothers and sisters in the Desert are 'soldiers' for

Christ, so they are standing on the Word of God and going forward.  2

Timothy 2:3  What an example they are for all of us. I was truly blessed to spend a few days with them.


Thank you!  :)
