We have a huge following!

The Haredim were hackling us from 10 a.m. when we opened the storefront to 6 p.m. when we went next door for our fellowship dinner. Then they were waiting outside the restaurant and accosted us when we finished and on our way home.

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Rebeka recently reported a Haredi, who threatened to kill her and her daughter, to the police who actually did something. The Arad police placed this guy on a 7-day restraining order, which he violated the very next day and which we have a date stamped video of. In spite of all this hardcopy evidence he was never arrested. The police said they were looking but couldn’t find him, etc., etc. Anyhow his week is now up and he, among others, was lurking in the shadows when we tried to leave the restaurant.

Rebeka fearing for her and her daughter’s safety called the police who provided her with armed escort service, rather than make an arrest. What about tomorrow and the next day? Why won’t the police arrest these known terrorists? Why should we have to live like this?

The Haredim have scouts with cell phones all over town. They are hunting believers in Yeshua down like dogs. When and wherever one of us is spotted, they start making phone calls and the next thing we know we are surrounded by a mob.

This is happening in the market place, at restaurants, outside our homes, prayer meetings, our congregation, on the street, etc.

On the bright side! As a result of all this the Gospel is the talk of the town and spreading like wildfire!

If you're led to make a money contribution, please make your check out to:

Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship (MHCF)
2792 N. Cherry La., Ronks, PA 17572, USA
(Please mark check Charity/Israel).
If you prefer, you may use your credit card or make a bank-to-bank transfer with PayPal (a small administrative fee will be deducted by Paypal).

Edwin Beckford
July 18, 2005