The Persecution Continues


...Now, the Ultra-Orthodox group called the Chasidei Gur, (who have been persecuting us all along for being Believers in Yeshua,) have found out where we are trying to serve food for the homeless and other needy people on Monday evenings. This last Monday there were at least 8 of them standing outside of the restaurant before, during and after the meal yelling insults at us and against Yeshua the whole time. They even were able to dissuade about 4 people against coming in and eating with us, and we were left having to pay for them while they were too afraid of coming in...I guess the worst thing about this whole thing for me is the attitude of the police, who supposedly came and talked to these guys outside, persuading them to leave for a few minutes, and then when the police left, they came and continued their trashy language outside. It seems like the police are either indifferent about doing anything or are handcuffed from doing anything by these guys...or maybe they are just on the take. If the shoe were on the other foot and we were the ones protesting them, we are convinced that the police would make sure that we would leave and stay away, or else be put in jail or another stiff penalty...but these guys get away with seemingly whatever they want. Of course we would never do anything like that! And also, of course, we know who has the last laugh! (Ps 37!) In the meantime, it's hard seeing the injustice and being on the wrong end of it.


That was Monday night...Tuesday evening we were having our weekly Bible Study in the congregational building, when all of a sudden we heard screaming outside. When we finished our study, we went outside to go home, only to be met with about 15 of these guys across the street screaming insults against us and Yeshua. They were screaming so loud, a neighbor called the police. As usual, the police came, and informed us and the unfortunate neighbor that everything they were doing was legal, and basically, we can do nothing about it. Again, it just seemed the police were there to protect our accusers against us and the neighbors who came out of their houses to complain!!! Imagine, they said it was legal for these guys to be screaming insults and lies at the top of their lungs at 9:30pm, and nothing could be done even though the neighbors were also protesting. Way to go, Arad Police!


If you would like to pray with us, please pray that the police would do their job the way they should, and that the Lord would give us increased wisdom to act in HIS diligence, and to know what to do. Please pray that if there is something legal that we could do about this, that HE will lead us to it. This can't continue like it is.




La persecucion continue


...Ahora ellos (El grupo del Ultra-Ortodoxos Jasidei Gur que nos persiguen por ser creyentes en Yeshua) se dieron cuenta que estamos comiendo en el restaurant los lunes para nuestras comidas seminales para los pobres, y hasta no dejaron que algunos pudieron entrar para comer con nosotros. Creo que lo que me molesta mas, en lo personal, es la actitud de la policia. No hacen nada...vienen, les dicen que vayan, se van por unos minutos, la policia sale, los religiosos regresen, y siguen su rollo. Si fuera lo opuesto, que nosotros serian los que estaban molestando, hasta que nos dirian que si regresarmos a este lugar, seria una infraccion en contra de la ley, y podrian ponernos en la carcel. Pero claro, no hacemos nada de eso...pero ellos, SI. Sabemos quien tiene la victoria final, segъn Salmo 37, pero mientras, es difнcil ver la injusticia, especialmente cuando nosotros somos los que estamos sufriendola.


La otra noche, teniamos nuestro estudio Bнblico en la casa donde nos reunimos, y escuchamos gritos afuera...cuando salimos de alli, hubo unos 15 de estos religiosos gritando insultos en contra de nosotros y en contra de Yeshua. Estaban molestando los vecinos con sus gritos a gran voz. Uno de los vecinos se molesto tanto que llamу a la policia, y ellos vinieron. Cuando vieron lo que estaba pasando, dijieron que ellos tenian el derecho de hacerlo, y fue completamente legal. Pero varios vecinos se quejaron acerca de los gritos, y la policia siguio con su rollo, "Es legal." Pero cuando los vecinos no pueden dormir o se molestan por eso a las 9:30PM, no debe ser legal. Parecia que la policia se quedaron solamente para ver que nosotros no hacieramos nada en contra de estas personas. Estamos seguros que ellos reciben dinero o algo para protegerlos en todo lo que hacen.


Si quieren orar, oran para que la policia hace su trabajo como debido, y asi mismo que El Seсor nos mas sabidurнa para actuar con Su diligencia. Tambien, oran para que si hay algo legal que nosotros podemos hacer en contra de eso, que lo hagamos. Esto no puede seguir asн.