Latest Newsletter from Israel!

Shalom from the war zone!
Fires in the fields. Smoke in the air. Damaged houses. Ambulances and army vehicles. Constant booming of howitzers returning fire across the border. Empty silent streets. This is what greeted us when we arrived in northern Israel. We stopped in Tiberias for lunch and the siren sounded. A rocket had been launched from Lebanon, but no one knew where it would hit. All talking ceased as we waited to hear an impact. None came and we knew it had landed somewhere else. Prayers for protection were said for those who live under the constant threat…

We just returned from the northern border of Israel. We had an opportunity to get some Bibles of various languages and we also felt that it would be good to show some support for the beleaguered Israelis under rocket fire, as well as, distribute literature in certain areas. Almost everything is shut down. The streets are empty. It is an eerie feeling to drive down streets with almost no traffic except for the occasional security vehicle. When the rockets come across the border, there is no warning up north. No sound until it hits with a sudden explosion! The sirens sound in towns further away, but there is no time between a launch and the impact when the border is so close.

We just stepped inside our rooms when a “boom” shook the windows. Our host asked if we were afraid, since the rocket landed so close to us. (About 3 houses away from us). We said, “No, we carry our protection with us. God is here.” Then we walked over to the house to see the extent of the damage. Missy offered to help. The people had a difficult time hearing after the blast. One woman was frantically sweeping the dust and told us there was nothing to be done and she was leaving the house. No one was hurt physically, but it was obvious they were traumatized.

Over 70 rockets fell in the northern area the day we arrived. We slept well that night through the noise of the tanks, howitzers, the planes and the rockets. “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

The next morning our hostess informed us that she had had enough – she and her husband were heading to Tel Aviv to stay with their daughter. So we all packed up and left. The fields were on fire as we headed south. We passed a place in the road where a rocket had hit and scorched the earth as we passed Rosh Pina. We stopped in Afula to see our friends and the siren sounded again. They took their small children into the shelter. The rocket landed outside the town.

Many books were distributed through the north – pray that they will bear fruit during this time of crisis and that people would turn to the Lord and His Messiah! I thank the Lord for Eddie, who cares enough for people to distribute books in a war zone!

There is a certain air of resignation mixed with a little arrogance in the atmosphere. People are assuming that Israel will win this war. "We won the others and we will win this one." The military is making costly mistakes. If Israel does not acknowledge that God is their Defense, many lives will be lost unnecessarily. The leadership is assuming that Israel will decide when this war will be over. I believe this war is another step in humbling our country. It may even be the war which leads to Ezekiel 38 and 39. The end result will be salvation for many, but the road to reach it will be bloody.

Make no mistake about it: Israel’s army is not responsible for winning its past wars: the honor for that goes to the Lord! In the past, the soldiers thanked God during the war and then forgot Him afterwards. This time, giving credit to God is almost non-existent and it shows in the lack of strategy, the ambushes, the kidnappings, and the deaths.

Fight this battle with us; Pray for a Holy Spirit awakening in the hearts of Israelis – Messiah Y’shua is our only hope!

In His Strength and Love, Lura and Eddie Beckford