Look what happened last Market Day!
(July 2nd)

Monday July 2, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. we (Lura, Avi, and I) began our used clothes distribution as usual. By 10:15 a.m. there were about 10 Datim harassing us and tormenting the needy who had gathered for used garments. This harassment and torment consisted of blaspheming Jesus, playing loud deafening music, screaming and shouting, spiting on clothes, and leaning on people…under the watchful eyes of the law.

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But this is not new. This happens every Monday, same place – same time! You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see the unfair justice. Simply ask yourself, how long would this be permitted if Christians or Muslims were doing this in front of a Jewish place of business? Would it go on and on, week after week, year after year? In spite of vandalisms, arsons and a mass murder attempt?

The police (for the record) say “Call us! Don’t take matters into your own hands!” Well, every police report we file is a cry for help!

After one of the Datim poured gasoline around the building and the exist doors, lighting it in an effort to burn the domino, chess players, and holocaust survivors who were inside alive; and we petitioned the courts for a restraining order (which was turned down) that was another cry from us for help!

Being denied that restraining order was the same as giving the Datim the green light, an open season permit on Christians, Messianic Jews, and friends. As a result, things have intensified!

If you ask me, I’d say that at least some of these Datim carry concealed weapons, at least something sharp enough to cut our car tires like butter! And, their posters are attached to sticks which can also ‘in turn’ be used as clubs!

Today, around 10:30 a.m. something unusual happened! You see, each week they try to get me caught in the mix, trying to set me up, trying to frame me. Well, I’ve been staying on the inside lately. Obviously this has spoiled their plans. No matter how much they yell “Eddie, come out!” “The animal’s in his cage!” etc, etc…I just ignore them.

But today, I was informed that there was a guy calling me to come out, who was waving a steal or lead pipe thing in his hand and making gestures and treats towards me!

I told the office (Dodo) on duty that I wanted to press charges; then he confiscated the weapon from the Dati.

Praise the Lord, Lura was trying to document the supposedly illegal loud music blasting, and was taking a video at the time! Unknowingly (until she looked at the footage later at home) she had captured this guy with the weapon, in the act!

The police were too busy to take my report on Monday, so I’m dropping a copy of this letter off at the their department today, along with the video clip! And the same to the America Embassy in Tel Aviv, and lawyers in Beersheva and Jerusalem!

And of course YOU (Believers & Messianic Jews worldwide)!!!

To view a 1.59M condensed version of the vedio clip: click here!

Edwin Beckford
July 4, 2007