'Watch out, missionaries!'

My Dear Brothers & Sisters, when these guys first started calling me the ‘N’ word I had to pray and fast. “Lord, what shall I do?” “I don’t know if I can handle this!”

After 3 days I got my answer. When I got off my knees (you could say) I told Lura, “I can’t wait till they call me it again!” And I was rejoicing!

The Lord told me, “Eddie, the next time they call you a nigger… capture it on video!”

During that time we had a camcorder which used small tape cassettes; it wasn’t digital. Plus we didn’t have the web space to post videos even if we could somehow get them transposed. Also, it was a matter of who we could trust with the originals. These tapes are incriminating evidence. These were some of the videos I showed to the reporter!

Within the next few days, I will play these tapes on our TV and film the showing with my digital camera. I don’t know if you will be able to make out all the words. I did this before with some dated (old) videos I’ve taken, which came out ‘better than nothing’. Eddie