JULY 14, 2009 





WOW, we've had an amazing two days of blessing.

About a month ago, we received an email from a sister in Puerto Rico that is the assistant to the Pastor of "Shalom Christian Center". David, my husband is Puerto Rican with a Jewish heart, and has had relationship for many years with this special congregation that has an excellent relationship with the Jewish Community in San Juan.  They have regular prayer and fasting for Israel and they were instrumental in instituting a Holocaust Remembrance Day in Puerto Rico

They shared with the Jewish community news of Ami and the bombing in our home.  The Jewish community was outraged, and decided that for the upcoming Maccabiah games, Ami would carry the flag for the Puerto Rican contingent.  The Maccabiah Games are our Jewish Olympics, drawing Jewish athletes from all over the world.  It happens every four years, and this year 7,000 athletes are competing from over 50 countries in the world.  Puerto Rico has one athlete participating, a 61 year old Jewish woman who is in the swimming competition, however Ami was honoured to carry the flag for Puerto Rico

David and I attended the ceremony of course, and it was a very exciting evening.  There were 900 Jewish athletes from the U.S. alone, and huge contingents from Australia, Canada, South Africa and the whole world.  



Our lawyer sent out press announcements to over 40 Israeli journalists and news agencies, but didn't have much hope that anyone would respond.  HOWEVER, a journalist from the most widely read Hebrew newspaper did respond.  After talking to our lawyer, he called me asking for more detailed information about Ami's injuries.  He was so touched by the story, and wrote an article that took up 1/2 of page 4 in the paper with a big picture of Ami.  It was a very positive article.
Then, this morning we had a call from a very well known television journalist who has a daily news and commentary show.  He likes stories with human interest - and they called me at 8:30 AM to ask if Ami could be interviewed.  We rushed around getting everything set up, and sending them pictures to use, and the cameramen showed up at 1PM to do the interview.  Ami was so poised and mature - and he gave a fantastic interview.  You can see the interview even though it's in Hebrew - look for Ami's picture and press the arrow.

  Click HERE!
Also - a great video produced by Maoz (Maoz is on our Do's list, Eddie) organization in Israel about Pnina's Pies.  It has English subtitles -

Click HERE!  




9"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
In Yeshua, Leah