

JULY 23, 2009 




Below is an English translation of the 1/2 page article written about Ami the day after the opening ceremony of the Maccabiah Games (Jewish Olympics) in which Ami accompanied the athlete that represented Puerto Rico in the march around the stadium. 

I hope you are having a good summer, we are trying to rest, and gearing up for August which will be full of doctor's appointments, and an operation at the end of the month. 

Please pray for protection for our family and the Messianic believers in Israel.  After all this good press, we are watching for any possible backlash. 

Eph. 611-13

Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against prinicipalitites, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 

Standing together, Leah 


Tuesday, 14/7/2009
Yediot Ahronot


In an exceptional gesture, Puerto Rico chose a teenager, Amiel Ortiz, who was wounded by a booby-trapped Purim gift basket a year and a half ago in Ariel, to lead their contingent in the opening ceremony.

Article by Reuben Weiss


Amiel Ortiz, an exceptional athlete who is 16 and a half years old from Ariel, made headlines a year and a half ago when he was critically wounded on Purim from a booby trapped Purim gift basket that was brought to his family's home.  In a very exciting and unique gesture, the Puerto Rican contingent to the Maccabiah Games decided to choose him to lead their contingent yesterday in the opening ceremony.

In the month of March 2008, Ortiz, who at the time was the captain of the Teens Divsion Ariel HaPoel basketball team,  returned to his home and found a wrapped package on the table that had been placed by the door of his house, and which was brought inside by the housekeeper.  Ortiz, because it was Purim eve,  reasoned that it was a Purim gift package. He opened it and it exploded,  wounding him critically. The doctors at Beilenson Hospital where the teenager was brought fought to save his life.  "He suffered 3rd degree burns, more than 100 pieces of metal and glass shards penetrated every part of his body, and until today, he has undergone 11 operations",  Ortiz's mother Leah told us yesterday.
As a result of the bomb that was sent to the family's home, an investigation was opened by the police and the secret services, on the suspicion that the terror attack was carried out against the background of religion, because the teenager belongs to a family which belongs to the group called Messianic Jews, that believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and who pray to him.  Despite their efforts, the investigation hasn't come up with anything.


Ortiz, who still has most of the shards remaining in his body, and whose doctors  were forced to amputate parts of his toes on his left foot from the severe injury that he sustained, began the difficult rehabilitation process. "The boy is a hero" his mother said yesterday, talking about Ortiz who is the youngest of her 6 children.  "He didn't give up; he successfully finished this school year and will begin the 11th grade in the Fall.  About 10 months ago he also gradually went back to basketball.  He still has to undergo about 5 more operations".

The severe attack also aroused response from the Jewish community and Christians all over the world, and from there they have anxiously and with great interest followed Ortiz's rehabilitation and the progress of the investigation.    Ortiz's father who immigrated to Israel from the U.S. is from a family of Puerto Rican origin, and is friends with the Jewish community in Puerto Rico who have followed the case, and turned to the family, requesting that the teenager lead the contingent in the opening ceremony of the Maccabiah Games.  "We and Amiel were very excited by this exceptional turn of events", Leah said yesterday.