Love Letters (excerpts)

Hey guys, praying for you...intense stuff! You know I was thinking, maybe you guys could get some loud worship music and put the speakers on your patio when they come by to drown them out....if noise is legal, two can play the game:) shani
Beloved Brother Eddie and Sister Lura, May grace and peace from Elohim our Abba and our Adon Yeshua Hamashiach be yours in abundance! My name is Dr. James ("Jay") (aka "Kobi's Dad!"). I just read the Jerusalem Post article about y'all (pardon my Southern) that my son sent me yesterday, and the first thought I had was, "These are two very blessed people!" (makarios - "supremely blessed with God's love and favor") (Matthew 5:10-12) Jim (Kobi), my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, keeps me updated about the increasing persecution of believers in Israel, but I had no idea it was getting so intense and violent. The reason I am writing is to ask you for your permission to add you to my prayer list. It might seem weird to you, but I don't pray continually for anyone without their permission. My primary request for y'all will be that God will reveal and fulfill His will for your lives. That's what I would want others to pray for me, so that's what I pray for others. If they request prayer for specific needs or healing, I pray for that as well. I appreciate your service to our country in Viet Nam, but I "highly esteem" your obedience to Yeshua and your ministry to His rebellious people. Let me know if you want me to add you to my prayer list. Dr. James ("Jay")
Hello Eddie and Lura: Greetings in the name of Jesus Messieh. I was so shocked to read this news item. I am so proud of Brother Eddie. He showed great restraint and humility in the face of racism and religious hate. I can see his one act of protecting the couple was a Davidic moment. He had that champion spirit come upon him. The Hassidic (modern Pharisees), have been brainwashed into their conduct. That is why the police and judges permit this injustice. I am praying for both of you and I know Jesus will give you both peace in the times of your persecution. The world is watching the racism of the Jews who are spreading this hate and racism against Brother Eddie. I am also sure the Muslims will use this racism to attract more Blacks into Islam, where they will be taught to hate Jews. Blacks have too long been treated wrong and unfairly. And when Jews, who have experienced hate themselves, show such disgusting bigotry and hate upon an innocent Black man, they are doing what they cry out against. Some day I desire to come to Israel and visit certain locations. I plan on meeting in person both of you. Until then, I will keep you in my prayers. Pastor G.
Eddie & Lura, I love the way the Lord has publicly given you a way to show all your supporters the truth of your ministry...just in case anybody had any doubts...Praise the Lord...He made your righteousness shine for all to see!~!~! You are always in my prayers. Holly
AWESOME! This writer was on my prayer list as he was talking favorably with some from JFJ. God is hearing and answering prayers, what a way to start my day and week. Thanks for the info very much, in His grace, Betty
Wow Lura! I am keeping that article. I hope Derfner has body guards; he'll need them. Thank God, the light is now shining on your situation all over Israel. Love, Lana
Lura & Eddie - Fabulous article!! Am spreading the news far and wide!! We'll be praying. God bless you!!! Love in Messiah Jesus, Jim
Hi Lura and Eddie, That was a great article by L. Derfner on your situation. I'm really glad that it has finally been brought to more of the public's attention, and may you continue to see the Lord vindicate you in what's been going on. Something good coming out of Beer Sheva! Howard
God Bless both of you!!!! I watched the you tube video and don't even know what to say. so many religious people yelling until ten P.m. and segregation on buses. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love Chris
Shalom! Although Eddie and Lura Beckford have only been on staff with Jewish Outreach International for about a week, they sure do make an impact! Praise the Lord!!! We've already had a t-shirt request from the article! Steve
What a blessing the Jerusalem Post article is!!! God bless you both. I read it real fast, why does it seem positive??? Steve
Shalom Lura, I came to sit at my computer this morning thinking of you in Arad and there was your email. Please know you have our total support and prayers. I would like to contact your City council and quote a few scriptures to them from the Tenach like the 10 Commandments and about being a false witness and about the "Foreigner" living in their midst, However in the mean time we will keep you in our prayers. Love and Prayers Dennis and Penny
Thank you. We have been getting Steven's letter for years now. We saw his card on a table in a furniture store on Nantucket Island, MA, and sent an email to him. We love him and we love you and we pray for you. We believe the Lord will show off in your cases. When they persecute us, they persecute Yeshua. We feel the time is short and it seems our great and merciful Lord is working fast to get people into His Kingdom. God Bless and Keep You ALL. Love, Fran and Tom
Shalom, Shalom!
Thank God for what He is doing behind the scenes. We know that God has already taken care of everything, Praise the Lord! Just walk it out becaue He is walking with you all-He will never leave you nor forsake you.
I am glad to hear that you do not have to move again, I am sure that you are. Prayers are going out up, In Yeshua's Name!
Love to all.
Love and blessings, Ida
You and Eddie are an inspiration. We love you guys tons. Keep up the good work. Rick
Shalom Friends:
All of this is crazy!!! I have been praying alot for His justice in all things-His will-His blood to cover and protect the innocent ones-and I know He will have His way! I also continue to pray for strength/courage/increased faith-knowing the enemy is our enemy and he knows his time is short! Praying for the eyes/hearts/and spirits to open and receive truth-for the salvation of many! Praying over your requests and for refreshment for the 2 of you-peace/rest in the storm!!!
W/love Ivy