The War on Messianic Jews and Missionaries

There seems to be two types of wars according to Rabbinical Judaism: Milkhemet Mitzvah (war by commandment) and Milkhemet Reshut (authorized war).

A milkhemet mitzeh entails going to war to fulfill something based on, and required by, the Torah without needing further approval or authorization, such as the war against Amalek. It is often invoked in defensive wars, when vital interests are at risk. Unfortunately, this seems to be the war that’s currently being waged against Messianic Jews & Missionaries here in Israel. In fact, we are often referred to as Amalek during “What shall we do with these Christians?” type rallies. “Amalek” seems to be the code word or the green light for ‘open season’ on Messianic Jews & Missionaries, encouraging compliance with 1 Sam 15:2-3 along with rabbinical blessings.

In contrast, a milkhemet reshut is a discretionary war, which according to Jewish law requires permission and authorization from the Sanhedrin. Eddie