Vandalism at the Storefront!

Monday, August 2nd at 10 a.m. we were going to open the Storefront as usual when we saw all the damage!

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Word on the street was that a bus load of Datim arrived at the Storefront around 9 p.m. Sunday night. They trashed the area, threw rocks at the windows, ripped off sidings, defaced artwork, and tapered with the door lock, jamming it.

We called the police who refused to come out. We took pictures and called a news reporter.

The news reporter was shocked! He was witnessing firsthand the ‘No Response’ treatment we were getting from the cops.

We even walked over to a couple of uniform cops in the area, being market day, but they refused to even look at what we wanted to show them, which was less than a block away.

Arad’s Russian community is calling what is happening to the Christian’s here in Arad “POGROM”.

Edwin Beckford

For His Name & His Glory, Eddie & Lura Maiman Beckford, Congregation Yeruel, Arad, Israel.
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