Mob Confrontation

Market Day - as usual we were beleaguered by a couple of Datim. After an hour or so a couple of women took over as usual. Then as it approached 6 p.m. the guys start showing up again, more and more until by 7:30 p.m.; when we are ready to go home we are faced with an uncontrolled mob. No police in site!

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When the mob was first forming the owners of the restaurant called the police who surprisingly did arrived. The police said something to the Datim which made them leave. When they left, the police left. When the police left, the Datim came back (as usual) but the police didn’t. The restaurant owner and we again called the police but they wouldn’t respond.

We go though this same little ritual of ‘hide and seek’ so often … Do you see ‘stupid written on our foreheads’? We know the drill.

Well the mob continued to grow until there were 40 Datim (Lura took a head count). As we were trying to go home, the Datim attempted to hem in our women and children along the side of the storefront, by the mural Lura painted, sealing us off from our cars. It was a real bad scene!

A Dati began chasing a 4 yr. old little girl who was screaming and crying for her mother while another assaulted Rebeka and a 5 yr. old girl. I looked around and it was only me and another male believer facing all these Datim.

Without regard for personal safety, I went after the guy who assaulted Rebeka and the 5 yr. old, grabbing him by his coat collar, I flung him around like a rag doll every which way but loose. One of them took my picture while I was in action, so don’t be surprised if it shows up on t-shirts or something.

The Datim who were circling the building ran back around front where all the commotion was taking place: on market day, in broad daylight to the horror of onlookers and passersby.

Anyhow, using myself as a human sacrifice created a diversion and when the smoke cleared we were all miraculously unhurt and getting into our vehicles.

As we drove off, we saw the Datim telling their version of what happened to a couple of police.

Hmmm, wonder where the police were when WE needed them?

Look, some Believers condemn me for my actions and some don’t, depending on how they interpret ‘Turning the Cheek’.

Bottom-line, I’m not the Hero in this story…God is! Just another stroll though the valley and shadow.

Video clip coming soon!

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Edwin Beckford
August 1, 2005