(A letter Lura wrote to her public instead of sleeping after the call out.  I cleaned it up a little before posting it online, Eddie)


Hi Friends,


Well, the devil chose a night when all the policemen were gone from Arad and sent over to Gaza because of the settlers' misbehavior, and set our storefront ministry on fire around midnight a few hours ago.  There is not much left - it is a little difficult to see at night - no electricity and the place is still smoking.  The books and Bibles were burned but we will soon have more!


The Haredim have been getting more and more aggressive this past week.  Monday (Aug. 1st) was worse than usual with more Haredim coming and going and harassing us. 


We had our Monday (Aug. 1st) evening food-sharing meal in the restaurant next door and afterwards, we were making our way to the van and about 40 Haredim began surrounding us and actually pushing the little children and then ripped a sign from Rebeka and threw it - it hit one of the little kids and Eddie stepped in between the attackers and the children to protect them.  The end result was that Eddie grabbed one by his coat jacket and threw him around a little - one-handed, while carrying his keyboard under his left arm.  Anyway, all 40 of them scattered.  WE were able to exit and then the police showed up. (The restaurant owner had called the police about 45 minutes before. The police station is only two blocks away.)


Yesterday (Wednesday August 3rd) about 20 of them showed up at the kehila (congregation) and screamed, shouted and surrounded one man (tourist) - They pulled his beard, spit on him and pushed him, but he kept on filming them - turns out the video clip will be on TV in America next week.


This morning at prayer meeting, one of our guys had to step between a Haredi and a lady Believer because the Haredi suddenly got very aggressive and was coming at her.  The demons are acting up!


So tonight someone burned the club down.  We have no insurance (not available to private clubs).  We know that the Lord will use this for his glory - and we know that He will bring in the money to pay the rent, the clean-up and the renovations, BECAUSE HE IS FAITHFUL!!!.    The irony is that the Haredim opened a soup kitchen behind us last week and today the announcement is in the papers inviting people to play chess at their new club and enjoy a free lunch and soda.  Coffee is available as well as bathrooms.

I guess someone wanted to make eliminate the competition.


Eddie has some extra chess sets at home and we will take some chairs and there will be CHESS AS USUAL IN THE MORNING!!!  Hallelujah!  The Lord our God reigns!  He will have the last word because He is the WORD!


Pray for us!  Love, Lura and Eddie


P.S. Tomorrow, hopefully, there will be pictures on the website.